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Old 13th October 2013
Litsaki211 Litsaki211 is offline
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Default Suddenly Bs.player stoped working on certain videos

Hello,first of all i have to say that i am using bs.player for long long time and i rly love it,now to my problem:

bs.player all sudden on certain show videos that i got it stoped playing,its giving me this message everytime i try to run an episode :
"BS.Player cannot play the media file.
You don't have necessary codec installed, file may damaged or not media file.

Click 'Find codec' to try to find codec."

The first time i did click" find codec" and it show me a list which all of them was saying they were installed and they were green on the list besides the first one "FFShow" if i remember well,which was red,i clicked to reinstalled it,i tried reopening the episode on the player and it gave me again the same message,only this time on the code search couldnt find any codec,was saying either its damaged or not yet in the library..or something like that,now on some videos that i got the sound stoped working,for example i got all the seasons from a certain show and out of 6 seasons the sound stoped working in like 7-8 episodes,the rest are playing fine,on the first case that i told u NONE of the videos are playing anymore and they used to play just fine until few hours ago...i gotta say that i changed nothing on the programm..touched nothing...all start happening out of nowhere.

EDIT: all the sounds have start disapearing in one by one on my videos!
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