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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 2nd December 2015
Ganesh0581 Ganesh0581 is offline
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I think I have the same issue.

I use BSPlayer Free on two different phones :
- Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 (no SIM)
- HTC one M8 Android 4.4.2 (with SIM)

I tried downloading subtitles in the following different cases:
  1. - on the Samsung Galaxy S3 (using HTC one M8 wifi access point feature - and mobile internet connection):
  2. on the HTC one M8 (using mobile internet connection)
  • movies in a USB storage using the Host USB
  • movies in the internal SD (in the folder Movies)
  • movies in the external SD (in a folder Movies)
whatever the phone, whatever the location of the movie: subtitles are found (got the list) + I have the message that the subtitles are being downloaded BUT no subtitles are displayed + I do not find the folder Subs where I should find them after being downloaded.
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