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Old 1st March 2016
banecon banecon is offline
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Originally Posted by adicoto View Post
Either the file contains a hardcoded subtitle, either an external filter (as Haali Splitter or vsfilter) it's set to automatically load and display the subtitles. So you get BSPlayer's normal subtitle, rendered by the internal subtitle renderer and another one by an external filter.
Check if latter, by any chance.
Thanks a lot. I installed previous version (2.69) of BSplayer, which I found somewhere in my other PC and it works fine. By the way, to speak the truth and nothing but the truth, I didn't understand what to do with that Haali Splitter, because there are not hardcoded subtitles, I imported subtitles through the BSplayer, and I don't understand how to turn off to show that automatically appeared subtitles. By the way, it was just after installing BSplayer in brend new laptop LENOVO. It was BSplayer 2.70. So, I installed and tried, just for checking and setting color, region and size.
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