1st March 2016
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Mar 2016
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doubled subtitles
I am years user. This happened for the first time, and I can't find solution. Two subtitles appear on screen. One, thats what I set, and other, from the same source, but according default settings (without my intervention), and bigger and on some, I can say - logical position, looks like default choice. So, for example, my subtitles are Central European and yellow, and it appear on the bottom of screen, and its ok. But, on the position above that, the same but Western subtitles white and bigger (I suppose some default size), and I don't have any control on that. I can turn off my yellow subtitles (just uncheck show primary subtitles), but I couldn't find a way to turn off others (secondary subtitles are also off, but these appear). Is there some advice? Thanks in advance. Kind regards.