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Old 5th December 2003
doubleJ doubleJ is offline
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I'm going to have to get a little more basic with this binding stuff.
First of all, the WinLIRC box that you're referring to is grey'd out. Is it supposed to be? When I mouse over the top two boxes, they turn white. The Lirc one doesn't. Now, certain buttons do display something (like the number 7, even though I'm not hitting the 7 button), but when I go back to the movie, the button that I tried setting doesn't work.
I hooked up an ir remote to another computer to try and test straight winlirc and see what I could get working right off. I have winlirc running and am using the winamp plugin from their website and I am able to control functions of winamp, so I know the remote, receiver, and winlirc are working.
That leads me to my next question. Since winamp required a plugin, I looked in the config of bsplayer and I noticed a plugins section. Does bsplayer need a winlirc plugin before those functions activate? If so, where is it to download? I figure that if I can get it working with an actual ir remote, then it would make getting the rf remote working should be that much easier.
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