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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 16th November 2010
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Default Flashing green Dots


I use BSplayer in the internal renderer overlay mode 2. However for a few files, it displays a line of flashing green dots at the bottom of the screen. This only happens in fullscreen mode and I have yet to find a commonality between the files. I suspect codec involvement, but havent gotten anywhere on that front either. I have tried switching modes, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

I've attacked a screenshot for visual reference. I use BSplayer 2.56.

I can switch to other display modes, but all the overlay modes do not seem to support subtitles, which are rather important to me. If anyone has an idea what could cause this, or even better, a fix. I would grestly appreshiate it.
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Last edited by Beaumis; 16th November 2010 at 09:10 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 16th November 2010
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Originally Posted by Beaumis View Post
....I can switch to other display modes, but all the overlay modes do not seem to support subtitles, which are rather important to me. If anyone has an idea what could cause this, or even better, a fix. I would grestly appreshiate it.
Is "Draw subtitles to Overlay surface" selected under
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Subtitles [Subtitle properties] ?
What OS are you running?
Can you give some info on the codec(s)/filter(s) actually used by BS.Player when the green dots appear. To find out:
(rightclick >) Options > Filters > Advanced
(Clicking on the [+]-signs in front of the codecs/filters displayed will reveal further info and access.)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 18th November 2010
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Hi there,

thanks for your reply and sorry for the delay, I've been busy with work.

The "Draw subtitles to Overlay surface" is activated. The subtitles show fine, however they only do with the internal renderer. All the other overlay options do not display them, but they do not have the green dot issue either.

I use windows 7 and the BSplayer build is 1043.

I checked three files and they all list the same, so I guess it could be the codec after all. The info is pasted below. (I removed the filepaths) I have never installed a codec by hand and let the BS player do all the work, but I did install another player a while ago and uninstalled it again. (KM player)

ffdshow Audio Decoder, Size: 3565056 bytes, Version

FileDescription: DirectShow and VFW video and audio decoding/encoding/processing filter
InternalName: ffdshow
LegalCopyright: Copyright © 2002-2008
LegalTradeMarks: GNU GPL
ProductName: ffdshow

ffdshow Video Decoder, Size: 3565056 bytes, Version

FileDescription: DirectShow and VFW video and audio decoding/encoding/processing filter
InternalName: ffdshow
LegalCopyright: Copyright © 2002-2008
LegalTradeMarks: GNU GPL
ProductName: ffdshow

I am not really savvy with codecs and reluctant to play around with them. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the BSplayer, but this did not have any effect. Any help would be greatly appreshiated. :)

Edit: I just checked another file that also uses the ffdshow video filter and works fine. It does use a different audio codec (AC3) but I don't see how that could influence the image in this way.
The dots also appear on files that do not use subtitles at all, or have them deactivated, so this does not seem to a source of the problem.

Last edited by Beaumis; 18th November 2010 at 11:14 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 19th November 2010
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When using EVR-renderer (under Video > [Video rendering]) and "Enable drawing subtitles under image with EVR renderer" (under Subtitle [Subtitle properties]) being selected, you don't get to see the subtitles?
What kind of subtitles are we talking about?
Suppose it couldn't be a video card (drivers) problem? If your system is a laptop, could you perhaps connect it to an external monitor and verify if the green striped line shows then too? (Alternatively maybe test with a different screen resolution.)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 24th November 2010
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I actually never tried the EVR renderer because it is not an overlay renderer. I tried it now and it works fine. However, since it is not an overlay renderer, it does not serve my purpose.

I have my PC connected to my TV via a HDMI cable. BSplayer has three renderers that should allow overlay mode, Internal Render Overlay, Internal Render RGB Overlay and the Overlay mixer.
  • The Internal Render RGB Overlay does not work. It does not maximize the picture on the second screen, but it does show subtitles.
  • The Overlay mixer does maximize the picture and does not have the green dots, but it does not display subtitles on the overlay screen, even with the "draw sutitles on overlay" option activated. (It shows them fine on the monitor.)
  • The Internal Render Overlay maximizes the picture, shows subtitles but does have the green dots issue.

I use a Desktop PC, have updated my gfx drivers several times to various versions (and back) since the problem appeared first, to no avail. I do not have a second monitor, but since the TV technically doubles as a monitor (and is build for that purpose), I think I can safely say it is independant of the screen and a software issue.

Notice that the problem appears only in a maximized screen and only if the "extend picture to 16:9" option is enabled. Other players have never shown this issue regardless of their options or video size. It is not related to subtitles directly, since it appears independant of whether or not I actually use them. (They are indirectly related as the render that has the dots issue is the only overlay render that shows subtitles on the overlay screen for me)

The whole point of my setup is to watch movies on my large TV screen, from my couch instead of my smalish monitor at my workdesk. However the monitor is in clean view from the couch and seeing the picture twice is irritating, hence the overlay fullscreen setup so the picture is either small or hidden behind other windows on the monitor screen.

So far, I have "solved" the green dots issue simply by changing to another render (such as the IR DDS) and maximize the picture on both screens and then turning the PC monitor off. While this works fine, I would prefer a solution that is not a workaround and allows me to keep the monitor active.

As before, any input is appreciated and I thank you for your time and effort so far. I apologize for the delays in replies, my life has been rather busy and my spare time rather limited lately.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 24th November 2010
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Originally Posted by Beaumis View Post
...The Internal Render Overlay maximizes the picture, shows subtitles but does have the green dots issue...
... Notice that the problem appears only in a maximized screen and only if the "extend picture to 16:9" option is enabled...
You didn't mention the "extend picture"-option sofar. So - as a recap - it would be rather safe to say that the problem occurs only when using the "extend picture to 16:9"-option under the "Internal render overlay (default)"? If that's correct, the "extend picture"-option would be my prime suspect.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 24th November 2010
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I just reread my previous posts, as I could have sworn that I mentioned it, but you are correct, I did not. I must have missed it when I lost my second post and had to retype it thanks to a power failure at my place. I apologize for unnecesarily complicating the issue because of that.

Your recap is correct. The green dots only occur with the "extend picture" option enabled, and only if it is set to 16:9. Other ratios do not invoke the problem.

However, sadly this option is also the only one that keeps the picture "in shape" as it gets horribly streched on my TV otherwise. Also, the extended picture is unlikely to be the only culprit, as there are still many files where the issue does not occur. So far, the only common denominator that I have found seems to be the ffdshow audio filter, and due to lack of time I am not entirely sure about that one either.

The only guess that makes sense to me is that either there is something wrong with the audio codec (is it possible that an audio codec distorts the image?) or that the "extend picture" option interacts with the audio codec in a way that leads to the green dots.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 25th November 2010
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If you use instead of "extend picture" the combination Shift + 2, does the same thing occur ?
Shift+2 makes the picture in 16:9 format.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 26th November 2010
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If I disable the extend picture option the green dots disappear. However, altering the aspect ratio manually, via both menu or hotkey does not change the overlay picture on the TV. It only changes the aspect ratio for the monitor.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 26th November 2010
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I think BS.Player-team will look into the green spots issue once they will have finished the new final release which is expected shortly now.
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