6th February 2003
 | Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Jun 2002 Location: France
Posts: 218
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It's a bit difficult to solve remotely...
- What is the filename? The movie? A filter? An other dll? The reasons of the failure won't be the same.
- Try to run once BSPlayer from its installation directory, and be sure that in the General tab of the Preferences [Ctrl+P], the option "Register extensions on player start" is checked. If "remember last movie played" is enabled, a movie should be launched.
-> do you get the same msg?
- Close the movie, if any, and use [L] command to load an other movie
-> do you get the same msg?
- Be sure that filedate of bsrendv.dll and BPlay.exe are about the same.
Run unreg.bat, it can't hurt.
- If nothing works run ClearReg.exe (you'll lose your BSPlayer settings), then backup your registry first.