11th February 2003
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Feb 2003
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Unknown File Format (MPEG 1)
Hi there,
For some weeks I use the excellent player BSPlayer 0.86 (build 493). Yesterday I was able to watch a MPG-file (MPEG 1). Today BSPlayer says: 'Warning: Unknown file format ()' after opening the file. I cannot watch this file anymore (and others MPEG-1 files). However I am still able to see this movie with Winamp, Windows Media Player and some other players. Do you have any idea how this is possible, and more important: what can I do to use BSPlayer agian with these MPG-files. Off course, I did uninstall and install BSPlayer, but this didn't help.
BSplayer is still able to show DIVX MPEG 4 and AVI-files.