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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10th April 2003
Junior Member
BS.Player Newbie
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 1
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gamekill is an unknown quantity at this point
Default AC3 problem: no frontchannel sound,only surround! no voice!


I DID install AC3Filter, it DOES work. When I use it configured for mono, 2/0, 2/1, 2/2, Prologic or Prologic II speaker setups, I can hear all I am supposed to (voices, background noises and music). BUT, when I try to set either 3/0, 3/1, 3/2, All I can hear is the BACKGROUD (surround) stuff! Like music, noises, thunder etc. No voices or front-channel stuff at all! So the best way I can use for now is 2/2+sub... so I get 4.1 sound. How can I get true 5.1 sound?

I am using a C-Media CMI 8738 sound chip (onboard my Soyo Dragon Ultra KT333 mainboard). Win XP SP1.
My speakers are Creative Inspire 5.1 5200 (three analog stereo inputs: front, rear, center/subwoofer). When I run the Multi-Channel audio demo I hear all channels ok...

I tried using BSPlayer's built-in InterVideo, and even CyberLink, no use...
When the movie's audio is complete (voices+surround), the center speaker is always silent!

Please help...


:shock: :o :D :o :shock:
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 13th April 2003
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BS.player Regular User
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 12
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charlystone is an unknown quantity at this point

Now I found out how to properly get rid of this problem.

Install the AC3 filter v0.66b (can be downloaded from

Go to BSPlayer options - preferences tab:

on General check the "dont load AC3 settings"
on Audio uncheck the "use dedynamic filter"
on Audio set the "for AC3 decoding use" to "--"

Open your movie with AC3 streams in BSPlayer.

Go to Properties - AC3filter tab:

set speakers to 3/2+SW 5.1 channels

Now you should have all your 5+1 speakers working fine. You can play around with equalizer etc. but do not set the "Sample format" to "PCM float" unless you know exactly what u r doing. I did not know and I almost lost my ears :)

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ac3, frontchannel, sound, surround

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