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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 4th May 2003
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Default Subtitles are cut in half

Hi there,

I've got a problem with my subs, one left half is on the right side of the screen, while the other half is on the left side.
I've deinstalled BSplayer several times, but it stayes screwed up.

Does anyone have this problem too, or does anyone know how to solve it?

Grtz Martinibus
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 5th May 2003
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Hi, I use to have this problem but it got ok afterwards by it self!
what's your sub format ( srt sub ... ) ?
and to you use automatic position or manual??
if you use automatic try in manual, it might work,
If I find about it I feed in.
I rip therefore I am
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 5th May 2003
LoS LoS is offline
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it has nothing to do with bsplayer. the line is simply too long. either lower the font (until is unreadable ;P), either edit the sub file and enter the "|" character -no quotes- where you want to break the line. maybe there are some progs that do this automatically... i don't know

anyway i guess this is the fault of the guy who made the subtitles. although it would be nice if bsplayer could split the line.
hmm... this is the place for a real lame signature. like this.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 6th May 2003
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It's not that the subs are wrong, cause on my other pc they work perfectly. But they start at the right side of the screen and they continue at the left side of the screen. I'll try to make an exaple:

l e help................Pleas l
l__________________ l

It doesn't help to switch from manual to auto, it stayes the way it is...

Ps. i've got .srt subs
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 6th May 2003
LoS LoS is offline
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first of all, sorry for the long answer, i hope i won't produce confusion...

i didn't say that the subtitles are "wrong", but they are meant for a larger screen width, or a smaller font, or the author used another prog to render the subtitles, and he/she haven't figured that this could cause problems...

anyway, since i've had enough of this too, i did some searching on web and i got two solutions at this problem.

1) the easiest one: to use a different player which supports how to split the lines. examples of such players:

--ViPlay 2.06 from URUSoft ---
--XVid ;-) from VetchZone --- (this has nothing to do with the xvid codec!)

Note: i haven't tried any of these players, so i don't know if they are any good, i just hope that soon enough bsplayer will provide such option!

2) the easy one: to use a subtitle editor. again, URUSoft provides a solution here, with Subtitle Workshop v2.01 ( ). it has a function called "Smart Line Adjust" which breaks the line after a specified number of characters. but since the width depends on screen resolution, font and font size, i wouldn't call this solution "smart". it's pretty dumb but it does its job well. anyway, to see what i mean, you can spend a few minutes downloading "Subtitle Editor" (, a 240 KB program which can repair a few things about the subtitles, unfortunately not the "line too long issue", but it has a good check routine for long lines.

a smart and USEFUL routine would -- if possible -- split the line:

a) after "." or "," or "!" or "?"
b) or before " -".

but for start the urusoft prog does its job.
hmm... this is the place for a real lame signature. like this.
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cut, half, subtitles

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