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This option works? I'm amazed as no one as been able to make it work but it's possible I miss some articles on that point. Each time when BSPlayer was asking to insert the next cd, it failed. this option works fine on hdd but once burnt to a cd: see you! ;) And it works for you? I mean it worked when you were with old 494? Interesting. |
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(btw the old version I used was actually 493...) I`m not sure what LordIntruder tried to say there (my bad english), but this problem of mine comes when I start a 2CD movie from CD1, player doesn`t find the CD2 even if all thing are OK. ...I`ll try 500 next to see if it has this bug fixed... |
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well it works fine on windows ME just like the previus versions did.Perhaps it's a windows problem? and btw, are you sure that both bsi files have the same file name? that's the most common reason that makes bsplayer unable to find the second cd.. |
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everything checked like dozen times ...so everything`s fine. When I replace bsplay.exe and bs****.dll with the ones of 493 version, the cd changing works fine. ...but not with 499 or 500(nb) exe and dll Tested with WinME & XP -same result. And I don`t use extension .bsi but .ini |
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why do you use the .ini extention instead of the .bsi???? i can't see a reason.. anyway, since you are having the problem in winME and i don't , it seems that you are doing something wrong.. so try to use it with the bsi extention and see if it works.. it always works for me |
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I think this option is bugged and need to be fixed. As I said some months ago no one here was able to manage to make this option working. When CD1 was reaching the end, BSPlayer was asking to insert second CD and once in still asking for it. It seems some people managed to do it now with latest versions. However bscd point out that once he upgraded to the latest version he can no longer play with this option. I would have been glad to give it a try but I see some work remains to be done on it. I hope BST will work on it because it's a very nice feature. I don't want to use it and see people complaining it doesn't work on their machines. |
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@Sonickydon: the reason why I use .ini extension is that when I put bplayer.ini to player`s folder, it runs automatically when bplay.exe is started. BTW. This won`t work when the player starts from Autorun.inf like "Open=player\bplay.exe" ...it has to be like "Open=player\bplay.exe player\bsplayer.ini". I`ve found no reason for this. If you`d like to see how I`ve tested this thing, download http://koti.mbnet.fi/co2/bstest.exe (sfx-ace with 2 isos in it), get DAEMON Tools ( http://www.daemon-tools.com ) and try yourself. By replacing the bsr????.dll and bplay.exe, you can test other versions. |
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hmmm i haven't tried something like that .. so i can't tell.. and i definately don't have the time to run tests or something like that now..but i can tell you what i do .. at least my way works.. though it might not work on a pc that doesn't have bsplayer allready installed i always use autorun menus and i never call the bsplayer program.. instead i only ask it to open the bsi file.. for example you could use something like "open=moviename.bsi" since the player is allready installed ,the file extention is allready registered and it opens.. if it 's not allready installed however you'll get the "choose a program to open file type" dialog..(ofcourse using an autorun menu instead of a plain autorun inf file can eliminate this case) I'm not sure if i got your point ..might be my english.. and i'm not sure about this one but i think that bsplayer for some strange reason can't accept a bsi file as a command line argument..i can be wrong at this one though..i think i've read this in the forums in the past.. |
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well.. i finaly got some time to try that daemon tools.. and it didn't worked in my system either.. however i did noticed something ....daemon tools messed up my system.. my cd's couldn't work either.. and then nero wasn't working either ..i got a message from nero asking for a diferent version of the wnaspi32.dl.. i got it fixed and then everything was back to normal.. any chanse it could help you as well? |
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hmm... maybe there`s a conflict between Daemon 3.33 and Bsplayer so that BSPlayer can`t search from Virtual CD-drives... I dunno. ...have to do some more testing with it when next player is released...now I`m just too bored. |
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I think the bsplayer.ini files *must* be at the root of the CD since I can't use the autorun.inf it means I had to delete the player directory and put its content in the root directory of the cd for bsplayer to load the ini when double-clicking the exe, but if you can use the autorun properly, I guess it does not make any difference. Actually, you don't need the bsplayer.exe and bsrendv.dll files on the second cd (which makes sense, since you don't close the player to load the 2nd cd). AND if you don't select any skin in the bsplayer.ini on the second cd, it keeps the same it was using with the 1st cd, so you don't have to put the skin files on the second cd either in case I was not clear, here's the directory structure I used Code: CD1 /bplay.exe /bsplayer.ini /bsrendv.dll /skins/ /movie/ CD2 /bsplayer.ini /movie/ Code: [Main] NumberCDs=2 CD=1 [Movie] Title=test movie Directory=video FName=movie.avi [Options] FullScreen=0 ExitAtEnd=0 Skin=BSCDlite Aspect=16:9 Code: [Main] NumberCDs=2 CD=2 [Movie] Title=test movie Directory=video FName=movie.avi P.S. I use Alcohol 120% to emulate drives but I don't suppose it makes any difference |
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499, doesn`t, find |
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