13th July 2002
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jul 2002
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ac3 problem when using bsi-inifiles
Up to version 085.488 bsplayer didn't play ac3-files loaded when starting from a bsi-inifile. You had to tell the audio-decoder (under properties in "right-click-menu") to use s/pdif-output each time you wanted to play a movie although it was set in the preferences to use it as default.
Since version 085.488 bsplayer starts playing ac3 immediatly. But if you load more than one ac3-file and try to switch between them all audio-output stops. (Same procedure with mp3 works fine.) There's now way to reactivate it - without restarting bsplayer.
My iviaudio.ax is version
(Prior to loading ac3-files externally I muxed audio- and video-streams together. This way I got a jerky video with some kind of framedrops. Maybe mpgaudio.ax version 1.00 wasn't good enough.)
There's another problem with ac3-playback under win2k - it doesn't appear under win98. After 2 hours, video is about 2 seconds asynchronous to audio. You might correct this by changing playback rate in "right-click-menu". In combination with externally loaded ac3-files bsplayer isn't able to change playback rate as expected. It won't play at e.g. half-speed but movie will be synchronous for a while. Why is this? Does bsplayer resync under win98 a couple of times when playing?