:oops: Hi, sorry for mistakes but i'm French and not very sure about my english !!
I've got these problem with my bsplayer :
When i get some new videos from my digital camera, the smal-movies arrives with the extention .mjpg, and bsplayer can't read them if i stay with the new rendering mode. But if i switch on the "use old rendering mode" it works but i cannot read all my other divx maked with a new codec like 5.05 or 5.1 ....
So if i don't want to switch everytime, i'm obliged to play those videos with W. M?©dia Playeur ....!!! .... AAARRRGG (buuurk) :twisted:
Sure, it works if i turn my .mjpg movies into real divx .avi with Virtualdub but it's long and not necessary at each time...
If someone got an idea (plugin may be i don't know...)
Thanks you JEFF