20th February 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2
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Can't modify DivX 3.11 & DivX 4+ settings in options>
These fonctions are desactivated? I'm using the last divx5 codec..so no problem for divx 4 and 5 files; because the divx5 configuration pannel (independant od BSplayer) memorizes the settings, and BSplayer uses these settings to read files. But when I open DivX 3.11 files, it uses the old 3.11 codec who does not memorize settings...(even If I activate the option "read generic mpeg4 files" in the divX 5 configuration pannel)
so how to activate DivX 3.11 settings customisation of the BSplayer configuration pannel?