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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 8th February 2004
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Default Cant move subtitles when using draw to overlay feature

U cant move the subs when using that feature, that sux cause the sub are dysplayed almost in the midle of screen of the movie and it dont resize when sub is bigger than screen...
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 8th February 2004
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Are you sure you're using BSPlayer's native possibility to display subtitles or are you (perhaps unknowingly) using another program (like VobSub; is there a green arrow in the system tray?).
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10th February 2004
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Can not move subtitles (b805). Any solvation? :!:
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12th February 2004
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Originally Posted by BSPeter
Are you sure you're using BSPlayer's native possibility to display subtitles or are you (perhaps unknowingly) using another program (like VobSub; is there a green arrow in the system tray?).
Yup im sure, without using draw to overlay i can move when i use draw to overlay i can change font size but cant move.... it sux to watch a movie with subs in the midle of it hehehe :/
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12th February 2004
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Are you indeed 100% sure that you're not using VobSub or ffdshow or .. to display subtitles? (because I've no problem whatsoever!)
Also [Shift]+[arrow Up] and/or [Shift]+[arrow Down] are not having any effect?
By the way, what type of subtitles are you using? (as indicated in the 2nd item of my Help to Help post (link hereunder))
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 14th February 2004
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.srt but i think happen with all formats...

try yourself

In preferences activate "draw subtitatle to overlay surface" put in full screen then try to move it. It wont move no matter what u do. So overlay is like dead here because the subs are almost in the midle of the screen. A function that could be so usefull so i could use the pc while other people whatch a movie on tv cant be used.

It whould be great someone fix it next version :)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 15th February 2004
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Originally Posted by Tiao Macaleh
try yourself
Sorry but I've got no problems.
Of course your system (e.g. graphics card) and most likely also Windows-version will be different from mine, and the problem you're encountering has pretty much to do with the combination of different factors.
E.g. also the setting of overlay (both in BSPlayer and of your graphics card) is of importance (the only box of video preferences which I've normally checked in BSPlayer actually is "Borderless play window" and I've got no problem whatsoever placing my subtitles anywhere on screen or on TV (via clone-mode)).
So the only thing I can advise you is also play around a bit with video-overlay settings (incl. VMR).
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 15th February 2004
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I have exactly the same problem as the original poster... With BSPlayer 804, if I check "Draw subtitles to Overlay surface", I can't move the subtitles. The OSD of BSPlayer says that the subtitle offset has been changed, but the subtile doesn't move at all. If "Draw subtitles to Overlay surface" is not checked, I can move them, everything is fine, just then I don't see the subtitles on the TV. Why? I have Matrox Millenium G550 video card, which has a so called "DVD-max" mode, that shows only the overlay block on the 2nd dispaly, stretched to full screen. Unfortunatelly, viewing movie on full screen and use the "clone-display" mode is not good for this video card, since it has a hardware limitation that the cloned (2nd) display doesn't show the overlay, so then I see the subtitles only... (Anyway, with cloned display you couldn't work on the computer while somebody else watches the movie on the TV...)

I tried to play with "Borderless play window" and "Overlay mode 2"... no result. (What's "Overlay mode 2" meant to be anyway?)

BTW, I'm sure many user would love if BSPlayer had a button that switch the player between computer-monitor and TV mode. Lot of things has to be changed when you watch the movie on TV instead of computer monitor:
- Subtitle fonts must be much larger. Most TV screens are blured compated to computer monitors.
- Subtitles should be shown in the black strip below the video picture (most film uses 16:9 aspect ratio, and the TV is 4:3, so there is a unused black space there...). This is important, because the font size is increased, so the subtitle height can be really to big compared to the video picture height.
- For video cards like Matrox G550, the subtitles must be drawn to the overlay surface, since only the overlay block is shown on the 2nd display.
- For PAL TV-s, 24 f/s films must be played at 25 f/s (with simply increasing playback speed with ~4%), or else the playback will be jagged.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 17th February 2004
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Originally Posted by BSPeter
Originally Posted by Tiao Macaleh
try yourself
Sorry but I've got no problems.
Of course your system (e.g. graphics card) and most likely also Windows-version will be different from mine, and the problem you're encountering has pretty much to do with the combination of different factors.
E.g. also the setting of overlay (both in BSPlayer and of your graphics card) is of importance (the only box of video preferences which I've normally checked in BSPlayer actually is "Borderless play window" and I've got no problem whatsoever placing my subtitles anywhere on screen or on TV (via clone-mode)).
So the only thing I can advise you is also play around a bit with video-overlay settings (incl. VMR).
(the only box of video preferences which I've normally checked in BSPlayer actually is "Borderless play window" and I've got no problem whatsoever placing my subtitles anywhere on screen
Thats the problem, you are NOT using overlay, u need to enable overlaymode1 to use overlay. Do that please and say if you can move the subtitle.... im sure youll see where is the problem :D
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 18th February 2004
hdc hdc is offline
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Tiao most probably do use overlay... he should use "Draw subtitles to Overlay surface" to reproduce the problem. That's the key. When the subtitle is drawn to the overlay surface, and not as plain graphich before the overlay, you can't move it anymore.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 18th February 2004
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What I tried to say in my post is that it is not always possible for people with other hardware and/or OS to reproduce the problem (and what's more of interest to suggest a solution). Especially as the problem under consideration seems to be pretty much the result of a combination of several factors, such as e.g. graphics card and the possible overlay settings thereof and perhaps also e.g. Windows-version.
That being said I can indeed not move subtitles if I select video "Overlay mode 1" (which on itself does not cause the problem) and "Draw subtitle to overlay surface" (which possibility was made especially for subtitles on TV with Matrox cards in mind, but I have no Matrox card; it's under this option that subtitles are "unmovable"). Subtitles' size can indeed be changed like Tiao Macaleh also mentions, but with me subtitles are properly shown at the bottom of the moviescreen so I do NOT have Tiao Macaleh's problem of having to
.... watch a movie with subs in the midle of it
I cannot exhaustively test further on this problem (using different overlay modes) as these lead to other problems in my configuration and/or with my videocard's settings, and as I don't like to entirely foul up my system, I concluded my post with
So the only thing I can advise you is also play around a bit with video-overlay settings (incl. VMR).
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 18th February 2004
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Originally Posted by hdc
What's "Overlay mode 2" meant to be anyway

(Perhaps also of interest: )
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 19th February 2004
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Overlay is a important feature and its not only for matrox card. Let me explain.

I have an ATI card. It have two ways of dysplaying a video on tv. 1) Reproducing exactly my pc screen or 2) using overlay. If i use option 1 i cant use the pc because it whoul ruim the movie on tv. BUT if i use overlay via clone mode i can run bsplayer minimized and use the internet while on tv shows the movie on full screen. Thats great but it dont show normal subtitles because it dysplay only overlay stuff, so we have to use draw to overlay subs + overlay mode 1. Done the subtitle appear on tv but in the midle of screen and u cant move it :shock:

Do u understand the situation now? For example if someone want to watch a movie that i already did i have to stop what im doing to run the movie on fullscreen. If the subtitles were working propelly i could navigate on internet while another person watching a movie on tv.

So please report this as a bug to get it fixed it whould be great :) Or u still think its not a bug? :(
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 19th February 2004
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(First, sorry Tiao to mixing up your name with BSPeter's...)

BSPeter says that that problem may occurs on some Windows+hardware combinations only. That's possible, but I hardly believe... so let's clarify: BSPeter, what version of BSPlayer do you use? I have tried it both with build 804 and 805. And, if you stretch (resize) the play window, does the subtitle stretches as well, together with the film picture? If not, then the subtitle is not drawn to the overlay surface for you (I know, you have checked "Draw subtitles to the overlay", but it seems that it was ignored in your config... I have seens such phenomenon on my own system when I tried to use "Overlay mode 2").

Then, Tiao, let clarify what you mean with "on the middle of the screen". For me, it doesn't show the text in the middle of the screen in the literal sense of the word, just the subtitle font must be big to be readable on the TV, so a 2 line subtitle can be as high as the 1/3 of the film canvas height (for a 16:9 film)... this is farly annoying, it covers the film too much.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 19th February 2004
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@hdc: you apparently missed that at the bottom of all of my posts one can download the Dutch languagefile for build 805 (of version 1.00 RC1) at present. So that's the build which I'm presently using (as well as build 501 of version 0.86). Further it's quite obvious that especially the graphics card (and its related drivers and their settings) is of importance with respect to video-related matters. Perhaps you don't believe, but I do (my wife and I both have GeForce nVidia cards, whereas my son has an ATI Radeon 9800XT card). I will not elaborate on this any further.
Further I get the impression that you cannot resize the subtitle (contrary to Tiao Macaleh and me). :?
Did you try as follows: rightclick > Subtitles > Subtitle properties > Font ..... and then select a different (smaller) size?
@Tiao Macaleh
I know and agree with you that overlay is an important feature and it is not restricted to matrox cards. I only mentioned that "Draw subtitle to overlay surface" feature was made especially for subtitles on TV with Matrox cards in mind. Further I need not report your problem as a bug, since that's exactly what you already have done with your post isn't it? I have no doubt that bst (i.e. the creator of BSPlayer) will pick this issue up and fix it. When? I don't know. I'm just a BSPlayer user like you (but fortunately for me without your problem) and I try to be of some help to other users. I'm afraid though that - as I already tried to explain in my previous post - I cannot help you with your particular problem.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 20th February 2004
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BsPeter sorry i though u was a kind of bridge betwen the bugs and the dev team (example, u select and send the probs to dev fix) so sorry for what i sayed last post :D

And thanks a lot for trying to help us :D :o :)
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 20th February 2004
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I can resize the font... I don't know why you think I can't. I don't even meant that video card doesn't matter, I meant that in this concrete case it is probably not to the cause of the difference. Anyway, my question was concrete and simple: does the subtitle resizes together with the film canvas for you? With other words, if you resize the canvas to bigger, will the subtitle grow bigger together with that? If not, BSPlayer doesn't draw the subtitle to the overlay surface for you (most probably...), even if you have configured it so.
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draw, feature, move, overlay, subtitles

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