16th February 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Feb 2004
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MPEG2: Audio - Video desync after 30 min.
I recently started to use BSPlayer for MPEG2 videos because of a very nice feature: custom aspect ratios (anyone who wants to output correctly to a PAL TV knows what I mean - must use a 5:4 aspect ratio).
Previously I used it only for DivX movies.
I used various MPEG2 decoders. The default on my system was a Ligos MPEG2 decoder and it didn't corectly resize the image. Then I used a Roxio MPEG2 decoder and it worked OK. Also I tested a MainConcept decoder and I noticed a little image cropping.
But the main issue is the following:
After 29~30 minutes of playing, the audio goes ahead of video for around 1 second or more. If I stop the movie then rewind and then jump to the 00:30:00 time the video is back on sync. After other 30 minutes more the problem is back. And it's not a decoder issue because it manifests always with any decoder.
The MPEG2 files are created with Intervideo WinDVR 2.0 or ULEAD VideoStudio 7.0 and are playing correctly with MediaPlayer, WinDVD etc.