When I try to open a film (x.avi) on HD BSPlayer didn´t crash but when I try to open a film (x.avi) on CDR BSPlayer crash with the follow mesages:
BSPlayer v1.00.807, Unhandled exception at EIP: 77E63887
If you click 'Close' application will be terminated.
Please report this info to the author with description what were you doing.
External exception E06D7363
EExternalException, 0x004E9B4B, 0x004E9D49, 0x004535B3, 0x0044A8FE, 0x77D23A50, 0x77D23B1F, 0x77D23D79, 0x77D24374, 0x004EAC88, 0x77E714C7
Bytes at EIP: 5E C9 C2 10 00 6A 18 68 28 30 E7 77 E8 40 6A 00 00 64
Pay attention that x.avi are the same film in two != medias.
Thanks by your help.