20th March 2004
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Mar 2004
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Very slow playing with bslpay on Athlon@900MHz
I don't know whether here is the place for my post, but if it is not some moderator will move it, no problemo :)
I have Athlon @ 900 MHz, 256 MB RAM @ 400 MHz, GigaByte 7VT600-1394 Mother Board, ... aaaand some ooold video card - S3 ViRGE DX/GX PCI (375/385) with 2MB RAM. I've install some old codecs including DivX 4.0, ACE Mega CoDecs Pack 4.31...
When I start Media Player Classic the movies run very well, no delay, with very good fps. But when start the new version of BSplay the movie playing with one frame per 1-2 seconds :)
I try some new codecs too, ACE Mega CoDecs Pack 5.93, but the same result...
I want some suggestions