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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 5th August 2004
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Default BS Player Was Working Great! Now Acting REAL Sluggish!

Hey Guys! First of all I want to compliment the BS Player Team for putting out a great player! Version 1.0 has been working great except within the last couple of days it has been acting up a little bit. First of all, when I open BS Player up using my desktop icon, it takes it quite awhile before it finally opens. Then, when I open a file to play in the player it gets real slow and sluggish in opening the file. I almost give up, but then finally the file opens. I then procede to play the file and everything seems fine, but when the file ends playing(I have the player set to "Repeat All") it gets bogged up and it acts like it doesn't want to repeat the file. After sitting there and staring at the player for 15 to 30 seconds the file finally kicks in and repeats playing. Then after it plays again it repeats with no problem. I then open another file to play and it goes back to the slow and sluggish routine. The files I am opening are MP3s, MPGs, Real Media, and AVIs. Like I said, the player has been almost perfect for me except for the last couple of days with this slow and sluggish problem with opening, playing, and repeating files. I have Media Player Classic and I am having no problems like I am with BS Player. I would appreciate any help or input that can alleviate this problem! I keep thinking it is something that I might have done while messing around with my PC, but I am not sure!

Mark Blue
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 6th August 2004
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Previous posts on this here
I am encountering a similar experience now.
It doesn't matter which skin I'm using.
Once started up (and BSPlayer closed down (but not Windows!)); next time you start BSPlayer by doubleclicking on an (associated) .avi-file or by (a link to) the skin in stead of by its executable, there is no such delay.
After a Windows-closedown and fresh startup, the first time BSPlayer is executed (in either way) there is a delay again.
I (re)tried with build 809, but with same result!
I did not actively install any new programs lately.
Could perhaps also be related to (automated) updates of Windows or Norton Firewall/AntiVirus??
Or course Norton is updating quite frequently. I know there has/have also been Windows update(s) recently, so I wonder?
Maybe there is a common denominator.
I'm running WinMe and Norton2003 Firewall/Antivirus (and surely have sufficient memory (1024 MB) and graphics- and CPU-power (Athlon XP 2800+) etc).
Mark Blue and paraver and disptr (and others with similar experience) what are your data?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 6th August 2004
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Default Thanks BS Peter!

You might have something here! I do run Norton Anti Viris and do recieve automated updates periodically from them. I have Windows XP plus I do get automated updates from microsoft. I installed an update from them just a few days ago. Are you thinking maybe that might be causing this "Weird" problem with BS Player? I am glad that you are shedding some light to this problem. I have uninstalled/installed my version 1.0 a few times hoping that might help, but no cigar. I was going to use an earlier version, but if you are not having any luck with it I won't try that angle. It seems that a few days ago I changed skins on my player and that is when the trouble started. Sorry I did not post this in the "Bug" section, but I was thinking It was something That I might have done instead of a bug in the player. Hopefully other users having this problem can post their situations and we can get a grip on what is causing this. I want to thank you, BS Peter, and Adicto, for helping me and others with our problems and Hangups we run into with our BS Player. It is the best player I have encountered and I know it will get even better!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 6th August 2004
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I think I may have found the problem. You both have Norton Antivirus and I assume you also run Auto-Protect. I had the same problem with startup and tried many things to fix it. After I read your posts I tried disabling Auto-Protect and found that the problem was gone. I'm thinking that something in one of the updates for Norton caused this.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 6th August 2004
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I forgot one more thing I have done in the last few days is that I installed a new Lexmark printer to my PC! I don't know if installing a "New" program might have something to do with this problem I am having with the player. The Norton update might be the culprit though!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 6th August 2004
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Yes, confirmed, it is caused by Norton AntiVirus.
When I switched autoprotect off temporarily ..... presto...instantaneous BSPlayer again!
Thank you guys!
Hopefully this unwanted "feature" will be repaired shortly!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 6th August 2004
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Thank You Gamer858 and BS Peter! I unchecked "Auto Protect" in Norton and clicked on My BS Player Icon and my player popped up pretty darn quick! Everything seems to play with no major hangups! I am wondering if you need to keep "Auto Protect" unchecked while using BS Player or can you re-enable "Auto Protect" and BS Player can still work? I am awful nervous of having "Auto protect" unchecked too long because with my luck that is when one of those nasty viruses or bugs sneaks into my PC. Anyway, good work guys! I am glad the problem has been narrowed down!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 6th August 2004
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I'm still experimenting, but you can have Norton's A/V-autoprotect on and still use BSPlayer. Only exclude BSPlayer from files checked by Norton A/V. How?
In Norton A/V's Options window:
doubleclick on autoprotect (top-left below "System") to open further options.
You will then see "Bloodhound"/"Advanced"/"Exceptions"/ ....
(Note translated from Dutch so labels may be named differently)
Click on "Exceptions" then click on button [New] (at the right)
"Browse" to bsplayer.exe
(Check that (only) box (Exclude from:) [x] "Virusdetection"
is checked/selected)
Click [OK]
BSPlayer.exe is now selected as "excluded item"
Click [OK]

(Starting BSPlayer by double-clicking on an associated video-file is OK as well as starting up BSPlayer through its executable (via a link or directly) is OK. So this solution seems OK for the time being.)
Additional note: this problem also affects earlier versions (e.g. also 0.86 versions) of BSPlayer! (Same (temporarily) solution!)

(Edited 7 Aug: the box "incl. sub-folders" doesn't need to be selected so I removed it from the text.)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 6th August 2004
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Thank You Much! I appreciate Your help And Info!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 7th August 2004
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I had to UNcheck "Only exclude from compressed file scanning" when making the exclusion, since the problem would still occur otherwise.

This is with NAV2004 on XP. Note that the Help for that section of NAV does say in 2000/XP "you cannot exclude items inside a compressed file," which I don't think is what's happening with that feature exactly, but it has to be off anyway.

I've heard of similar issues with the Opera browser, which compresses opera.exe and opera.dll, so I hope NAV2005 is a little better behaved.

This comes as a relief, since I thought the problem was with SP2.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 7th August 2004
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Originally Posted by BSPeter
I'm still experimenting, but you can have Norton's A/V-autoprotect on and still use BSPlayer. Only exclude BSPlayer from files checked by Norton A/V. How?
In Norton A/V's Options window:
You're a genius! Worked great... :D The problem only started for me within the last few days, so it probably has something to do with a recent NAV update :?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11th August 2004
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Default wow !

thanks alot, BSPeter!! the solution worked great! But I hope soon you will bring out a bugfix version of BSPlayer final, which got really got great
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11th August 2004
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Default Re: wow !

Originally Posted by tupac7
I hope soon you will bring out a bugfix version of BSPlayer final
Just to be clear: I'm just a user of BSPlayer (like you) and have taken care of its Dutch language file for quite some time now. The man behind BSPlayer is bst!
Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 12th August 2004
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Oh lol :shock: :D

I was wondering, because bst is not that active and until a known bug is fixed it takes ages.
i wish you were the programmer of bsplayer, so that we would recieve constantly updates...
well lets hope bst will read this and take some time to fix it :)
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 23rd August 2004
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Originally Posted by BSPeter
In Norton A/V's Options window:
doubleclick on autoprotect (top-left below "System") to open further options.
Click on "Exceptions" then click on button [New] (at the right)
"Browse" to bsplayer.exe
BSPlayer.exe is now selected as "excluded item"
Click [OK]
I came to the BSPlayer Forums just now because I had just upgraded to the latest BSP 1.00 810 and found that it was taking way too long to open a file.....about 30 seconds (a relatively long time when you expect to start viewing the video immediately, if not sooner).

I perused the topics in the Bug Report Forum looking for someone having a similar problem when this.....Post.... caught my attention.

It described the same problem I was having. I was very surprised to find it was the result of the Auto-Protect in my Norton AV.

Following BSPeter's instructions I "excluded" BSplayer.exe and now it opens just fine.

I would never have suspected my NAV as the "culprit". At first the reply said to turn OFF the Auto-Protect and, when I tried it, this did indeed make BSP start faster but, NO WAY was I going to disable Auto-Protect. I was relieved to then find that the final fix was to "exclude" only the BSPlayer.

Thought you'd like to know.

By the way, I have to think if this is a common occurrence there must be plenty of new users of BSP that are experiencing this but have no idea what the problem is (just like I did). Perhaps this connection between BSP and Norton's Auto-Protect could be highlighted in any setup instructions, etc.

Thank you,

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 23rd August 2004
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^^The solution is already known everywhere

and Norton is pretty much slowing down the performance of the computer, its also known for that.. although it is good against viruses and spyware, it is very bad for your PC
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 30th August 2004
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May i suggest a newsletter to warn the members about this problem? I was about to erase this great program for freezing with NAV but, luckely, i couldn't find anything better and i was forced to use the search function of a forum (i hate & avoid that).

I was 99% sure that NAV is causing this, 10x 4 solution BSPeter, i never knew that is possible to exclude specific paths in NAV. :)
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 30th August 2004
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yeah, i removed fuckin NAV, now i got AntiVir from and its working just great.
never again NAV!!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 31st August 2004
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In new version this problem will be fixed.

New version is coming very soon. (2-3 days)
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 1st September 2004
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Nice to have a new version available Mat2000.

It would also be nice if you can tell us what caused the problem. That way we can ask Symantec to solve the problem in their product.

I'm asking this, because i'm wondering what other applications are affected by this problem (in NAV) and I want to make sure I've the correct arguments to Symantec to get a solution to this problem.
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