I have a really weird problem when using BsPlayer 0.85 build 488 (build 492 crashes every time I open a movie because of Overlay mode2).
I use the s/pdif output of my Soundblaster Live 1024 to hook it up to my DD/DTS decoder. When I open BsPlayer and open a movie in it, it loads the AC3 soundtrack nicely, but it's stuttering like hell!
But if I stop the movie, and then start it again, it works fine. That's problem No #1.
Problem #2 is that if BsPlayer is already open, and I open another movie (or the playlist switches to the second movie (CD2 of a 2 CD movie for example), it only outputs a 2 channel sound (48Khz PCM). When I open preferences, then close them, it switches back to the right sound (AC3 5.1).
Is there any way to fix this, or is there something wrong with my config?
Oh, and just as a sidenote: Does anyone know why pressing ALT+3 (file information) doesn't show up??
Win2k SP2
512Mb Ram
ATi Radeon 64Mb DDR
SB Live! 1024
Asus A7V133 with AMD 900Mhz Tb.
iviaudio.ax Product Version 2.0 (properties->version)