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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 31st January 2005
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markie is an unknown quantity at this point
Default Default brightness is FAR too bright


I just now installed the free version to see if this VMR9 thing I read about on nVidia's site (6800 card) does anything useful.

I haven't even got around to finding that yet though, as the picture using this player is far, far too bright. It makes the whole video just look plain straight out awful. I have a 19" TFT so blacks aren't truly black, but with bsplayer the intro to films (most noticable, like the whole lion roar thing or whatever)... the background is a lightish grey! In fullscreen you can clearly see that what is supposed to be black is grey, as the border at the top and bottom of the screen that isn't being drawn on is visible.

The brightness controls... well, either I haven't found the right ones or they're a bit dodgy? I can't seem to get what's supposed to be black to match the non drawn on borders at the top and bottom of the screen, or atleast not without the whole picture just becoming far too dark!!!

Can anyone shed some light on this? Many other players (TCMP, WMP, Crystal etc etc) are just fine without twiddling any settings at all... the video black matches the non drawn borders just fine.

I have attached an attempt at a screenshot but, atleast on my CRT, the grey isn't quite as light. It's still there though. Probably not as light because my CRT is just darker than this display ;)
Attached Images
File Type: jpg black_not_black.jpg (75.7 KB, 224 views)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 31st January 2005
BS.Player Master
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Romania
Age: 57
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adicoto is on a distinguished road

One control is under video->color controls->brightness
and the other is under filter->DivX or XviD.
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bright, brightness, default

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