25th April 2005
Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 156
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1. Issue: Which players exactly? Direct Show players for instance?
2. Issue: Which Matroska splitter do you have installed?
The Gabest one ?
Or the Haali Media Splitter ?
The first one shouldn't have any problems with subs as long as you switch on sub rendering in bsplayer or have vsfilter installed.
BUT, if your video is AVC/h.264, Gabest filter cannot handle that. Don't know what exactly happens in this case, never tried.
The 2nd one is newer and can handle AVC/h.264 video as well as other container formats as mp4 and avi. Make your choices during installation.
This is also true for turning on subtitle support for vsfilter if you won't let bsplayer do that job.
Keep forum organized and use the search button !! :o