17th December 2002
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Dec 2002
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BS player closes! subtitle bug!
First of I read the whole forum without finding a solution for this. I even read more then once that this isnt possible to do with BS player what i want but I know it better. So...
I have the latest BSplayer.
For example. 2 movies on 4CDs which are on my HD. Seperated subtitles for every part on same drive. The subtitle folder is pointed on it.
When I load up my playlist I made one day before and the player is in remember settings for each movie mode and the subtitles load up automaticly but most of the time 1 second after i see the first text it says The player must close down.
It doesnt happen when I setup the movie like i want and start recording afterwards to VHS. But Im doing this in the morning and thats why i would need a non crashable userlist so i could easy and fast startup the playlist I made hours before.