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Old 11th July 2005
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Jace_TBL is an unknown quantity at this point
Default wmv and asf files sometimes shock/stutter incredibly?

Sometimes movies plays very shocking with BSPlayer (using v1.22 build 817). This happens particularly with wmv or asf files.

Here's an example: ull).wmv

Note: not all wmv or asf files play shocking, most work fine, but some don't. This example plays all right for a few seconds, and then stutters and shocks, music / voices are "chopped" as if someone continuously presses pause, play.

I doubt this has to do with my codecs, the same thing happens on two different machines. It's not a matter of shortcoming cpu power: I'm not running anything else in the background, and task manager says BSPlayer uses 3% cpu time or so and 97% is idle.

Can you increase the look-ahead buffer period or something in a case like this?

Note: of course I'm playing this file locally, not streaming. I completely downloaded it first, then played it.
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asf, files, incredibly, shock or stutter, wmv

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