24th December 2007
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Dec 2007
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Pink overlay!?
I have BSPlayer PRO v2.24 build 954 and I've used BSPlayer for a while now but all of a sudden I get a ping overlay everywhere. When it "says" PLAYING (at the top left corner), and the picture gets pink when I move it around or put the movie into fullscreen mode (it goes back to blac in in instant but still). As if a pink overlay has "taken" over my BSPlayer. I've read that if you un-install it and re-install it that it'll return back to normal but that didn't help me. What should I do? This is quite annoying and I want to get rid of this.
Please help me.
I have not installed anything new like codec or souch. I just trayed to reinstall the same versions again.