25th February 2012
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Feb 2012 Age: 42
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Suggestion to Online Subtitle Downloader
Hello developers of BSplayer. You are doing very good job and I appreciate it. I am using bsplayer in my computer and android phone!!
But there is a little thing that is bugging me. There is a great function at BSplayer which I use a lot I call it "Online Subtitle Downloader". But there is a little problem about that. Sometimes one movie can have 20-30 subtitles in different languages. Arabic, Czech, English, Finnish, Turkish etc. And usually downloader checks most of the languages. But I want to download just couple of them for example 2 english and 2 French subtitles. But downloader selects automaticly 20 subtitles in Arabic, Finnish, Turkish which I cant speak. And all the time I have to uncheck them.
So there are 2 buttons in this downloader already. "Download Checked" and "Close". Can you please add 2 more buttons "Select All" and "Select None" so we will not waste our time to uncheck all subtitles which we dont know the language.
Thanks a lot.