1st July 2012
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Mar 2010 Age: 43
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"At start switch to" doesn't work if you only want BS.Player to switch refresh rate.
I would very much like to use BS.Player's option "At start switch to" to switch from my usual mode 1920×1080@50Hz to 1920×1080@60Hz. That doesn't work. I have to select some other resolution in order to change the refreshrate with this function.
This only works if I switch my resolution to say 1280×720@whatever and then start BS.Player - then it switches to 1920×1080@60Hz like I want it to, but if I start BS.Player while the desktop is in 1920×1080@50Hz, nothing happens!
I have also tried to "trick" BS.Player by telling it to switch the color depth - to 16-bit. This also doesn't work. What happens is that it does successfully change the resolution to 1920×1080@60Hz at start, but the color depth stays at 32-bit and what's worse, when I close BS.Player it leaves the screen settings, instead of reverting it to what it was before starting BS.Player.
I would really like this to be fixed.