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Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions Post your suggestions and feature requests here, what would you like to use in BS.Player. Any feedback is appreciated and will be reviewed by our team.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 3rd October 2004
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Default (Pro) Subtitle Editor suggestions

For bug reports, see my posts in appropriate forum. Here go a few suggestions I have after using the Subtitle Editor for a few days.

* When double-clicking on a line in the editor (in the top list of lines), the viewer synchronises with the frame corresponding to the begin-time of the line. This is a great feature, but it would be handy if the focus were set to the viewer window when this happens, as I then usually press SPACE to start the movie at that point, and have to manually click on the viewer so that it captures the key-press. Alternatively, and maybe more useful, the following could be done: unless the focus is on the editing field, pressing the SPACE (or the appropriate custom key) starts/stops the movie.

* Overlapping and negative duration indicator - some sort of red LED or something would be useful. Also a global search function for these irregular lines in a file would help a lot.

* A time-frame indicator up to the millisecond of the movie. This could be overlayed on the viewer when the Subtitle Editor is open. Now I have to revert to full-screen and read the time (up to a second accurate) on the long horizontal whatchamacallit which appears at the bottom of the screen.

* Add new line at current time. This would be useful when lines are missing and you stop the movie exactly where you want the line to be.

* Some way to adjust the Start/Stop/Duration spin-edit steps to less than 100 ms. Maybe pressing SHIFT for 10 ms and CTRL for a 1 ms step while you klick on the up/down arrows of the spin-edits?

* An option to lock the duration of a line while you adjust the begin-time

* Automatic check for and removal of CRLF (\n) at the very end of a line, and possible double \n\n in the line.

* Show the time-distance (dif between begin times) to the previous and next line.

Well, that's all I can think of for now :)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 3rd October 2004
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No offence, XelaG, but I think you should search for a subtitle editor.
Basically, what you have descriebed are the basic functions of a Subtitle Editor, but BSPlayer is a multimedia player, and personally I don't think that the subtitle editor is a need, because there are still many functions that are not developped yet for playback.
And I hope bst will concentrate on those. I know how much time will consume what you have sugested.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 3rd October 2004
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full dvd playback support would be of a much more use than advanced subtitle editor...
Moj se dida s igle skida...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 3rd October 2004
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Yes, I dream about a button called Play, when you click on it, amenu pops up saying:
Play file
Play URL
Play (S)VCD
Play DVD.
Who knows, maybe someday, sooner than we think...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 4th October 2004
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Yes maybe..
We are still need 300.000 € for licences.

That's all.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 4th October 2004
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Adicoto: no offence, but I paid for the Pro version because of the subtitle editor (among other things, BSPlayer is the best viewer I found!). It was BSPlayer's choice to include one in the Pro version, and I think that suggesting small improvements to it is quite a normal thing to do. If you do not wish to use it, that's your choice, mine is to use it. Telling someone to go look elsewhere is not very polite.

As for the other suggestions, they are all very nice and valid and deserve their own thread, I started this one about the Subtitle Editor :)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 4th October 2004
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Originally Posted by XelaG
Adicoto: no offence, but I paid for the Pro version because of the subtitle editor (among other things, BSPlayer is the best viewer I found!). It was BSPlayer's choice to include one in the Pro version, and I think that suggesting small improvements to it is quite a normal thing to do. If you do not wish to use it, that's your choice, mine is to use it. Telling someone to go look elsewhere is not very polite.

As for the other suggestions, they are all very nice and valid and deserve their own thread, I started this one about the Subtitle Editor :)
We will upgrade subtitle editor for sure.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 4th October 2004
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Yes, you are right, XelaG, if you payed for the subtitle editor, you are entitled to ask for improvements. As for myself I don't use it for that, as a matter of fact I am using the non pro version. I don't have a video capture card and, as a subtitle translator for about 4 years now, I use another aplication for that.
I didn't intend to be impolite, if that's how I sounded I am sorry.
And asa Mat2000 posted, it will be upgraded. You can be happy. :lol:
Me, next time, maybe.
I can subscribe with all my hearth, BSPlayer is the best media player.
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editor, subtitle, suggestions

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