10th April 2010
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 26
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aspect ratio not working as it should
Playing flv files in a playlist or que I first set it to the aspect ratio i want like 16/9
then the 16/9 is checked and it goes to it but the next file in que goes back to original .It does not matter whether 'keep aspect ratio' which is a meaningless thing anyway is ck'd or not and on preferences i have as former ck'd in playlists as it should. When the next file plays at the wrong NOt 16/9 i go to apect ratio
and the 16/9 IS still checked but it IS NOT 16/9 till i select it again. Is there any way to rewrite the Bs player program like go to assembly language or something and fix this most annoying BUg. I have the latest version of bs player in 2009