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Tizio 15th February 2006 08:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Italian / Italiano language file updated for BSplayer v1.38.828 (Normal/Pro) :wink:

Do someone know what

stand for? :?

BSPeter 15th February 2006 08:08 PM

I would say 113/114 most probably concern "reserved" labels (to be "filled in" later).

Tizio 15th February 2006 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by BSPeter
I would say 113/114 most probably concern "reserved" labels (to be "filled in" later).

oohh :o
That's smart :idea:
Thank you Peter :wink:

mihhkel 16th February 2006 07:14 PM


109=Media Library
110=Open URL
112=Show Main Manu
112=Subtitles Action
should be
112=Show Main Manu
113=Subtitles Action


Tizio 16th February 2006 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by mihhkel

109=Media Library
110=Open URL
112=Show Main Manu
112=Subtitles Action
should be
112=Show Main Manu
113=Subtitles Action


Wow, I didn't pay attention to those indexes :shock:
Congrats mihhkel :D

BSPeter 16th February 2006 10:17 PM

I already reported this double use to BSPlayer team, when I sent the new language file to them last Tuesdaynight 14th Feb.
(Not repaired in the "update-build" 829)

HJ 17th February 2006 11:46 AM

Hungarian translation for BSPlayer 1.39 build 829
1 Attachment(s)
Hungarian translation for BSPlayer 1.39 build 829 (both Pro and Free version).
-- Magyar fordítás a BSplayer 1.39 build 829 verzióhoz (a Pro és a Free verzióhoz is használható) --

mihhkel 17th February 2006 10:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Eesti t?lked BSplayeri tasuta ja Pro-versioonile (1.39.829).
Praeguse versiooni (1.40.830) t?lge on siin.

Estonian translations for BSplayer Free / Pro 1.39.829.
Translation for current version (1.40.830) is here.

Norbert Brondeau 21st February 2006 12:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
French language file updated for BSplayer v1.39.829 (Normal/Pro)

Traduction Française de BSplayer v1.39.829 (Normal/Pro)

BG's 21st February 2006 02:39 PM


112=Show Main Manu
I think it should be "menu" or I am wrong?


Main Entry:manu
Inflected Form:-s
Usage:usually capitalized
Etymology:Sanskrit - more at MAN

: one of a series of progenitors of human beings and authors of human wisdom in Hindu mythology
Could someone tell me where the new strings appears in the menu?

109=Media Library
110=Open URL
112=Show Main Manu
112=Subtitles Action


Tizio 21st February 2006 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by BG's
Could someone tell me where the new strings appears in the menu?

109=Media Library
110=Open URL
112=Show Main Manu
112=Subtitles Action


I think that
109=Media Library
110=Open URL
112=Show Main Manu
112=Subtitles Action

appear only in KeyDefinitions WinLIRC section

is shown instead of the movie name in the main window while BSplayer is reindexing the movie file (only for not completed files or for the one with missing index.. You can use DivFix to strip the index of a movie, this way the information regardin keyframes etc. are missing and BSplayer needs to build the index for itself. Other players will not be able to reproduce the movie without the index if they don't have the ability to rebuild it :wink: )

BG's 22nd February 2006 04:18 PM

Many thanks Tizio! :D

Tizio 22nd February 2006 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by BG's
Many thanks Tizio! :D


Gaueko 26th February 2006 03:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Basque translations for BSplayer Free / Pro 1.38.828
Euskara BSPlayer 1.38.828-arentzat

KSB4ever 27th February 2006 05:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Latvian translation for BSPlayer 1.39 /pro build 829

OldEvrei_ 28th February 2006 07:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Belarussian translation for BSPlayer free/pro 1.39 build 829.

DragonFighter 28th February 2006 10:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hellenic (Greek) language file for BSPlayer Free / Pro 1.39.829

BG's 4th March 2006 11:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Обновен български езиков файл за версия 1.39 Build 829.

Updated lang file for version 1.39 Build 829.

Tizio 24th March 2006 01:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Italian / Italiano language file updated for BSplayer v1.40.830 (Normal/Pro) :wink:

BG's 24th March 2006 02:32 AM

You are really fast, Tizio! :D
Best regards

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