![]() |
1 Attachment(s) Italian language file for BSPlayer 1.00.803 updated! :wink: Ciao! |
To authors: may be you write on site about new strings in new versions of BSP and theirs maximum length some days before release. Or give to download only new exe-files of future release. Because I (and other translators made translate to 800 build, which was included in 803 build, and many strings wasn't translated). |
1 Attachment(s) Here is also the spanish lang file, updated for RC1 Build 803. Aqu?* teneis tambi?©n el archivo de idioma espa?„ol, actualizado para la versi??n RC1 Build 803. |
Re: Translations 1 Attachment(s) here the "Hebrew.lng" file, and the file "skin.configuration setting" that also been translated to hebrew ! :lol: :) :D :P :wink: the files are attached inside one ZIP file ! :wink: enjoy. and i hope that in the next version it will be built-in the exe-installer and the zip file !. :lol: :lol: |
Breton version sent today (November 23th). Hi :) Sent to translations@bsplayer.org today (file Brezhoneg.lng only, please copy and rename it to Breton.lng if you like to have the english name). See screenshot at http://www.drouizig.org/drouizig/ Best regards and keep up the good work ! Kenavo d'an holl ha kendalc’hit 'ta gant al labour mat-se ! Phil. |
Galego for Build 803 1 Attachment(s) Galego Language Update for Build 803 Actualizaci??n do Galego para a ??ltima versi??n :mrgreen: |
Last French version build 803 is here : http://forum.bsplayer.org/viewtopic.php?p=10030#10030 Updated 12/05/2003. |
1 Attachment(s) Ukrajins'ka mova dlja... ---------------------------- Ukrainian language for... BSPlayer RC 1.00 (build 803) |
1 Attachment(s) Estonian translation 1.00 build 803 Eesti keelne BsPlayeri t?‘lge versioonile 1.00 build 803 |
SERBIAN (Srpski) language FULL for 1.0 build 803 I have translated a FULL version for SERBIANlanguage ver 1.0 build 803! Here is file for Serbian language in attachment! |
Onovlenyj movnyj fajl / Udate language file 1 Attachment(s) Ukrajins'ka mova dlja... ---------------------------- Ukrainian language for... BSPlayer RC 1.00 (build 805) |
1 Attachment(s) Updated Hungarian (Magyar) translation to BSPlayer 1.00 RC1 build 805 |
crazygang posted Simplified chinese language file http://forum.bsplayer.org/viewtopic.php?p=12073#12073 |
2 Attachment(s) Updated romanian lang file for build 1.22.817 |
1 Attachment(s) Ukrajins'ka mova dlja... ---------------------------- Ukrainian language for... BSPlayer RC 1.00 (build 806) |
1 Attachment(s) Updated Hungarian (Magyar) translation to BSPlayer 1.00 RC1 build 806 ---Friss?*tett magyar ford?*t??s a BSPlayer 1.00 RC1 Build 806-hoz--- |
1 Attachment(s) Estonia translation: 1.00 b806 BSPlayer100rc1806_estonia.zip |
Updated Greek language for BSplayer v1.00 built 806. :D |
I had some problems when I was adding the attachment and ie6 was crashing... Maybe, it's a bug of the forum.. So, I uploaded the file in my webpage. Right click here and choose "save as" to get it. |
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