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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 4th June 2005
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Default Can BSPlayer start in Anamorphic Ratio automatically

I have a widescreen television so I would like ALL movies to be started in Anamorphic Aspect Ratio.

This makes the best of the widescreen television while maintaining the proper aspect ratio. (ie: widesceen movies take up the proper height and width as does full screen movies...full screen leaves black bars on the left and right sides).

But.....BSPlayer forces me to manually select the Anamorphic ascpect ratio setting everytime I start a new movie (and more annoyingly when going from the first cd of a movie to the second.....the aspect ratio flips back to normal).

I have tried on all builds (using "remember zoom, pan & scan, and position") but this doesn't help on movies I've never played before. I know all movies I play are to be Anamorphic.


Thanks kindly for your assistance.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 4th June 2005
BS.Player Master
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Have you tried the option "Aspect" (and/or "Pan-scan") in Playlist section of BSplayer's Preferences window??

There you can set the preferred mode a movie is started
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12th June 2005
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Yes, I can do it in the Playlist Editor, but what I usually do is browse using WindowsExplorer (going through a network) to find my list of movies, select one and open it.

I would like to find a Preference option to have ALL movies open in "Anamorphic" aspect ratio. (without having to resort to opening a file first in the Playlist Editor or running a command line.) The most annoying part is when a movie goes from the first file (or cd) to the second and the aspect ratio flips back to "original". (Looks crappy on a 16:9 tv)

(I use a wireless keyboard from my couch and do not like to have to resort to a mouse either before watching a movie).

Lazy yes, but this little option would make it soooo much easier to start a movie for people who haven't a clue about BSPlayer or aspect ratios.

Thanks for any/everyone's help.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12th June 2005
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Tizio will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Tizio
Have you tried the option "Aspect" (and/or "Pan-scan") in Playlist section of BSplayer's Preferences window??
With that sentence I meant you have to go in BSplayer's Preferences (CTRL+P, or right-click and select "Options -> Preferences...").
Once the Preferences window is open, in the left panel, select "Playlist".
There you can select the aspect (and Pan-Scan options) for all the movies you open in BSplayer!

If you need more help I (or other users) will try to help you.

Sorry if my previous post wasn't so clear :)
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 16th June 2005
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mrbwhitby is an unknown quantity at this point

That was it!

Thanks ever so much.

My life is better now.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 16th June 2005
BS.Player Master
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Location: Italy
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Tizio will become famous soon enough

BSP SkinMaker (v1.07) the one and only Skin Editor for BSplayer
BSP Definitions Manager (v1.02)
BS.Player's FAQ (by BSPeter) | Italian language file (v2.57 build 1051)
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anamorphic, automatically, ratio, start

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