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Ico-man 20th October 2006 11:00 AM

Translations for 2.21 [CLOSED; please use new thread]
2 Attachment(s)
Please post your translations for version 2 ( 2.20 and up) of BS.Player here.
We are keeping our promise and we gave PRO licenses for BS.Player to following translators (at the moment):

Slovak - artam
Italian - Tizio
Dutch - BSPeter
Hungarian - HJ
Romanian - adicoto
Estonian - mihhkel
French - gregnet
German - JTHawK#2
Greek - DragonFighter
Finnish - Dapok
Basque - Gaueko
Ukrainian - vitalis
Serbian - traktorche
Polish - Xeo
Russian - =MRAc=
Bulgarian - BG's
Latvian - KSB4ever
Valencian - Vjatv
Swedish - Farlight

If you translated v2, and you did not get license key, please PM me. Also, priority will be given to those who translated BS.Player v1 too.

2.20 english language file and language changes file, can be downloaded below :

Thank you.

Translation of earlier versions <2.15 were moved to:
Several language files for version 2.15 were moved to:
Several language files for version 2.16 were moved to:

GreGnet 4th April 2007 12:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Updated French translation for BSplayer 2.22.952 :
Traduction Francophone pour BSplayer, mise-?-jour 2.22.952 :

BouRock 4th April 2007 06:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Türkçe / Turkish Language File for BS.Player Pro/Free 2.20 and 2.21

adicoto 24th April 2007 06:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Romanian lang file for build 2.20-948

Farlight 24th April 2007 07:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Swedish language file for BSPlayer 2.20.948

BalkonMajster 25th April 2007 01:57 PM

Czech language fo BS.Player 2.20 build 948
Czech language for BS.Player 2.20. build 948

KSB4ever 25th April 2007 09:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Latvian language for BS.Player 2.20. build 949

Where in lang file I can find:
1) Main window alpha value
2) Video window alpha value? ;)

artam 26th April 2007 01:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Slovak language for BSPlayer 2.20.949
Slovenčina pre BSPlayer 2.20.949

BG's 26th April 2007 05:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Bulgarian lang for v2.20 Build 949.

Gaueko 26th April 2007 10:19 PM

Basque language - Euskara
1 Attachment(s)
Basque language for BS.Player v2.16 245
Euskara BS.Player v2.16 245-arentzat

One question, translations must be sent to (or similar)? or it´s enough with attaching here?

adicoto 26th April 2007 10:28 PM

Update, man, you are 2 builds behind the others.

HJ 28th April 2007 06:30 AM

Hungarian (Magyar) translation for BSplayer 2.20 build 949
1 Attachment(s)
Hungarian translation for BSplayer 2.20 build 949 (Pro & Free version)
BSplayer 2.20 build 949 magyar fordítás (Pro & Free verzióhoz)

Fz 29th April 2007 07:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
translation to brazilian portuguese of bs player 2.20

Xeo 1st May 2007 06:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Polish/Polski Language File for 2.21.950 updated on 06.05.2007

BalkonMajster 1st May 2007 10:50 PM

Czech lang for BS.Player 2.22 build 952
1 Attachment(s)
Czech language file for 2.22.952

BSPeter 3rd May 2007 10:23 PM

Updated Dutch language file - as usual - in my signature below.

adicoto 4th May 2007 05:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Updated romanian language file for build 2.21.950

To the team
LE: c2_3 under [wid10] is taken by RGB mode. Do we replace this or this should be assigned to c2_4 ?
continues here (solved)

Tizio 6th May 2007 10:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Italian / Italiano language file updated for BS.Player v2.21.950 (Normal/Pro) :wink:

(sorry for the late update)

BSPeter 6th May 2007 09:08 PM

A new Ukrainian translation was posted by harleyka here (for version 2.20)
(He also earlier posted version 2.15 language file)
vitalis used to provide Ukrainian language files, but his last file was for version 2.12

artam 7th May 2007 10:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Slovak language for BSPlayer 2.21.950
Slovenčina pre BSPlayer 2.21.950

However, the following buttons didn't get translated in the menu dialog:

109="Select Video types"
110="Select Audio types"
113="Assign icon to selected extensions"

This is a bug in this bsplayer version.

BSPeter 7th May 2007 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by artam
However, the following buttons didn't get translated in the menu dialog:
109="Select Video types"
110="Select Audio types"
113="Assign icon to selected extensions"
This is a bug in this bsplayer version.

Thx; already reported here (together with a few more).

harleyka 7th May 2007 12:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ukrainian language for BS.Player 221.950 pro/free

mihhkel 7th May 2007 09:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Eesti t?lge / Estonian translation - BS.Player 2.21.950

Pro-funktsioonid testimata / Pro features untested.
(Ei saa seda Linuxis läbi Wine registreeritud / Can't get it registered through Wine in Linux :)

traktorche 8th May 2007 02:38 PM

Serbian language 2.21 Build 950
1 Attachment(s)
Serbian language 2.21 Build 950

KSB4ever 8th May 2007 07:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Latvian language for BS.Player 2.21. build 950

Very buggy...

HJ 8th May 2007 08:55 PM

Hungarian (Magyar) translation for BSplayer 2.21 build 950
1 Attachment(s)
Hungarian translation for BSplayer 2.21 build 950 (Pro & Free version)
BSplayer 2.21 build 950 magyar fordítás (Pro & Free verzióhoz)

JTHawK#2 8th May 2007 11:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
updated german translation

sorry for the delayed release

BG's 14th May 2007 08:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Bulgarian lang for v2.21 Build 950 ready.

Farlight 14th May 2007 10:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Swedish language file for v2.21.950.

evgom 15th May 2007 08:24 AM

Spanish Lang
1 Attachment(s)
Spanish lang for 2.21 Build 950 Pro/Free.

Feñiz 17th May 2007 05:23 PM

Spanish lang file for BSPlayer 2.21
1 Attachment(s)
Here you have Spanish lang file, updated for last version of BSPlayer / BSPlayer Pro (2.21).

Aquí tenéis el archivo de idioma espa?ol para la última versión de BSPlayer y BSPlayer Pro (2.21) (perdón por el retraso).

BSPeter 17th May 2007 10:03 PM

Re: Spanish lang file for BSPlayer 2.21
Hello Fe?„iz, we've missed you about a year and a half. Your last language file (still included in BS.Player up to now) was for BSPlayer version 1.37. Do you intend to stay a while again (and regularly update your language file)?

Feñiz 18th May 2007 08:30 AM

Re: Spanish lang file for BSPlayer 2.21

Originally Posted by BSPeter
Hello Fe?„iz, we've missed you about a year and a half. Your last language file (still included in BS.Player up to now) was for BSPlayer version 1.37. Do you intend to stay a while again (and regularly update your language file)?

Yeah, sure. I was not missed, but my e-mail adress was hardly spammed, and at last, I was forced to leave it. I send you yesterday my new e-mail (to translations email). You can contact me there.

But anyway, you'r right. For many time I didn't enter the forum. My job, and the lack of time. But now, I have more free time to update the language file, ...and to surf the forums ;)

evgom 20th May 2007 06:56 AM

Spanish lang for 2.21 Build 950 Pro/Free
1 Attachment(s)
Spanish lang for 2.21 Build 950 Pro/Free.

está es una versión actualizada comparada con la versión de Fe?„iz y corregida con cosas de el y mías, a m parecer quedó mejor...


dkdkoi8 20th May 2007 12:15 PM

where the heb for ? file and language
where the heb for ? file and language


BSPeter 20th May 2007 01:18 PM

Re: where the heb for ? file and langu

Originally Posted by dkdkoi8
where the heb for ? file and language


I'm afraid the most recent Hebrew language file available is either the one included in the installation package (version 1.02) or this one posted here (click here) both made by user ITSHO.
Maybe you could e-mail him/her (address in the language file) and encourage him/her to make an update for BS.Player-version 2.21?

Feñiz 21st May 2007 09:18 AM

Re: Spanish lang for 2.21 Build 950 Pro/Free

Originally Posted by evgom
Spanish lang for 2.21 Build 950 Pro/Free.

está es una versión actualizada comparada con la versión de Fe?„iz y corregida con cosas de el y mías, a m parecer quedó mejor...


?Actualizada? Hace 2 días envié el archivo, totalmente actualizado a la última versión del programa (6 mensajes más arriba). No hay nada más que actualizar.

More Updated? I just send two days ago a spanish lang file totally updated for last BSPlayer version (2.21). It's 6 messages before this. There is nothing more to update....

evgom 22nd May 2007 08:09 AM

Re: Spanish lang for 2.21 Build 950 Pro/Free

?Actualizada? Hace 2 días envié el archivo, totalmente actualizado a la última versión del programa (6 mensajes más arriba). No hay nada más que actualizar.

More Updated? I just send two days ago a spanish lang file totally updated for last BSPlayer version (2.21). It's 6 messages before this. There is nothing more to update....
Por dios, te faltaron algunas cosas por traducir, dejaste espacios donde no iban, y eso entorpece el código... ahmm te recomiendo un programa que se llama Compare It! bueno, comparalo con el idioma inglés y verás que dejaste algunas cosas que no deberían de ir... Pero bueno, es cierto que traduciste de mejor manera algunas cosas que yo no, pero otras me parecieron que eran mejor con otras definiciones, igual y podrías comparar tu versión con el inglés y luego con mi versión y dime que te parece.... bueno saludos.

P.D. Antes de hablar creo que sería bueno que checaras ambas versiones primero...

Feñiz 22nd May 2007 10:19 AM

Re: Spanish lang for 2.21 Build 950 Pro/Free

Originally Posted by evgom
Por dios, te faltaron algunas cosas por traducir, dejaste espacios donde no iban, y eso entorpece el código... ahmm te recomiendo un programa que se llama Compare It! bueno, comparalo con el idioma inglés y verás que dejaste algunas cosas que no deberían de ir... Pero bueno, es cierto que traduciste de mejor manera algunas cosas que yo no, pero otras me parecieron que eran mejor con otras definiciones, igual y podrías comparar tu versión con el inglés y luego con mi versión y dime que te parece.... bueno saludos.

P.D. Antes de hablar creo que sería bueno que checaras ambas versiones primero...

Creo que el que no ha comprobado las versiones eres tú.... Yo las comprobé antes de enviar mi mensaje, y NO me he dejado nada sin traducir, y esos espacios que tu comentas son para mantener el orden mejor el fichero y NO influyen para nada en las traducciones.... creo que no sabes cómo funciona el fichero de traducción, ya que no importa que queden espacios entre las líneas, porque no afectan al programa, lo único importante es el texto que va DETRÁS de cada número.

* Por cierto, en este foro se debe escribir en inglés, o al menos traducir lo que escribes a ese idioma, para que se enteren el resto de usuarios...

I think is you who don't check both versions.... I do it before sending my message. I DON'T forget to translate anything, and those spaces you are talking about are intentionaly puted there to make easier to support the file, and DOESN'T affect the translation in any way... I think you don't know how the translation file works, the spaces among lines doesn't matter, the only important is the text AFTER every number.

* Please, write in english, or translate your posts to this language. The language in this forum is english

Tizio 22nd May 2007 05:45 PM

Re: Spanish lang for 2.21 Build 950 Pro/Free

Originally Posted by Fe?„iz
* Please, write in english, or translate your posts to this language. The language in this forum is english

I have to quote Fe?iz, this is an international forum, so next time please post in English (or as Fe?iz did post a double version Spanish/English) :roll:

Plus, if you have remarks to make to an official (since Fe?iz translated BS.Player since many versions) translator, I think it's better to send him a PM with the suggestions for a better translation file (all this is obviously in my opinion ;) )

Why doesn't this site accept

??? :twisted:

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