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BSPeter 19th March 2013 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletor (Beitrag 65892)
...(october to March is a 6 months period right?)


Xrox 19th March 2013 11:34 PM

I really hope you'll release it as soon as possible! I'm really waiting for it!
I'm a Win XP user so hope BSPlayer 3 will support it

Exoskeletor 28th March 2013 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by BSPeter (Beitrag 65893)

youre driving me crazy guys....
october,november,december,january,february,march. 6 months.. whats the catch???

adicoto 28th March 2013 12:01 PM

5 0ct-4nov 1
5nov-4dec 2
5dec-4jan 3
5jan-4feb 4
5 feb-4march 5
5march-4april 6 months

Exoskeletor 30th March 2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by adicoto (Beitrag 65952)
5 0ct-4nov 1
5nov-4dec 2
5dec-4jan 3
5jan-4feb 4
5 feb-4march 5
5march-4april 6 months

anyway, you have 5 days guys :D :D

Xrox 12th April 2013 09:14 AM

When is the new ETA?

ItachiNight 13th April 2013 10:39 PM

Beta test
it will be really great to see and try beta ver. of Bsplayer 3

Xrox 17th April 2013 04:12 PM

Please release betaaaaaaaaaaa!!
I'm so waiting for it

Diazz72 6th May 2013 08:37 AM

One thing i hope it will be fixed whit ver. 3.0 is subtitles. . .

Position of subtitles, size and font, to look more like sub. on tv (or for example like VLC player). . .

Biggest reason why is this fix needed is becose when you are watching 16:9 movies its hard to read and watch movie. . .

BSPeter 6th May 2013 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Diazz72 (Beitrag 66146)
One thing i hope it will be fixed whit ver. 3.0 is subtitles. . .

Position of subtitles, size and font, to look more like sub. on tv (or for example like VLC player). . .

Biggest reason why is this fix needed is becose when you are watching 16:9 movies its hard to read and watch movie. . .

Are you using new subtitle parser/renderer or legacy (="old") subtitle engine?
Do you know how/where to adapt the subs to your own personal preferences?
rightclick > Options > Preferences > Subtitles ... and then 4 tabs:
[Subtitle properties] / [Fontsizes] / [VobSub] / [Online subtitles]
To position the subtitles (with movie and subtitles loaded):
rightclick > Subtitles > Primary/Secondary > Subtitle properties ...
there you can select: "Auto" or "Custom" positioning.
Further: to move subs up or down the default keys are [Shift]-key used together with arrowkey [Up] or [Down].
(Also there are several skins which have buttons for several subtitle-functions.)
Please try. If you are unable to place the subs where you want them, please come back to the forum with additional info.

Diazz72 6th May 2013 06:19 PM

Tnx for answering, i try this but there is steal a problem. . .

BS. Player sub's are going drom up to down, other players from down to up (OR reverse)...
iDo not know how to describe this, so il' try to show you;

One sub;

Two or more;

ItachiNight 6th May 2013 08:15 PM

Will you release beta v.3.0 or we must wait for the full version?

adicoto 7th May 2013 04:54 AM


Open video -> rightclick -> options -> preferences -> subtitles -> uncheck "use new subtitle engine" -> video -> rendering methode -> select internal renderer (default). Now when is a single line it will appear at the bottom and not on top.

Diazz72 10th May 2013 08:30 PM

Tnx. . .Now sub. work perfectly ;D

Diazz72 28th May 2013 12:48 AM

Any news when can we expect to try v3 of BS.Player???


Xrox 30th May 2013 05:55 PM

When is V3 coming out? I can't wait!

ItachiNight 1st June 2013 11:41 PM

any terms\release date v.3 ???

Xrox 6th June 2013 02:12 PM

Release date please!

Ico-man 7th June 2013 11:50 AM

Working on it... still not in alpha. Possibly in fall 2013.

Diazz72 9th June 2013 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ico-man (Beitrag 66331)
Working on it... still not in alpha. Possibly in fall 2013.

Can't you just release some sort of Pre-Alpha (for "znatiželjne duše"). . .?

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