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Ico-man 5th October 2012 11:41 AM

BSPlayer version 3 has officially gone to alpha stage!
BSPlayer 3 will not be just an upgrade of BSPlayer 2 but we are actually building it from ground up. It will be completely new product, with exciting new features, without limitations of the current version.
We are working on improved playback capabilities, speed, stability, but most of all we are focused on user experience, because we are aware that current user experience is not optimal.

ETA? Around 6 months :teeth:

adicoto 6th October 2012 05:33 AM

Awaiting for a release to test :)

JeepWillys58 19th November 2012 07:23 PM

Waiting ...
But tell me he will fix the problems with Windows 8?

Exoskeletor 16th January 2013 04:09 PM

any beta tester needed?

Ico-man 24th January 2013 12:51 PM

Not yet in beta phase. :)

fits79 24th January 2013 04:21 PM

Can you tell us a link to download that alpha release so we see if you fix a lot of issues that bsplayer 2.x has?

JeepWillys58 24th January 2013 08:58 PM


If BSPlayer 3 is in beta why not make it available for anyone who wants to test it and report bugs found?

For example ... I and others who have a more advanced knowledge ...:happyroll:

Ico-man 25th January 2013 11:38 AM

Alpha stage :smile:. Not yet suitable for testing. It really will be completely new product, so a lot of v2 issues will not exist from the start.

When it will be suitable for testing, we will release it immediately.

Feature requests are welcome of course and are noted.

fits79 25th January 2013 11:39 AM

We hope this is true....

When do you thing bsplayer 3 gonna be ready?

bspfan666 29th January 2013 04:20 AM

is H.265 supported in BSP3? :smile

adicoto 29th January 2013 06:46 AM

H265 it's in approval stage, not yet released for public use.
BSPlayer it's a DirectShow player and when a DirectShow filter supporting H265 splitting/decoding it's released, also BSPlayer will suport it.

bspfan666 30th January 2013 02:15 PM

thanks for reply :smile
and what about windows taskbar mini version of bsplayer? useful for audio files, something like this (only copied from aero peek preview)...

proteckt3d 3rd February 2013 01:28 AM

Interesting news! Will you post some specs before any test version? Just to have and idea about what to expect :biggrin:

Exoskeletor 6th March 2013 03:22 PM

6 months have passed, any news? :)

fits79 6th March 2013 04:41 PM

I believe it leaved it at his own fate.

adicoto 6th March 2013 08:29 PM

I believe it's only 5 months.

BSPeter 7th March 2013 12:33 AM

:clock: Yes, for sure it is only five months ago that Ico-man announced the expected time of arrival of BSPlayer 3.
But just a simple question: has anyone personally ever experienced the expected time-limit of a (software) project being met?
(If so it must have been a really scary :bug: experience. :omg:)

adicoto 7th March 2013 06:19 AM

Let's hope it's not Duke Nukem...forever :)

Ico-man 14th March 2013 12:11 PM

:teeth: Much has been done on v3, much still needs to be done. We will release test version as soon as it will be ready for mass testing.

Exoskeletor 19th March 2013 12:49 AM

Ninety-ninety rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
:-) (october to March is a 6 months period right?)

BSPeter 19th March 2013 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Exoskeletor (Beitrag 65892)
...(october to March is a 6 months period right?)


Xrox 19th March 2013 11:34 PM

I really hope you'll release it as soon as possible! I'm really waiting for it!
I'm a Win XP user so hope BSPlayer 3 will support it

Exoskeletor 28th March 2013 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by BSPeter (Beitrag 65893)

youre driving me crazy guys....
october,november,december,january,february,march. 6 months.. whats the catch???

adicoto 28th March 2013 12:01 PM

5 0ct-4nov 1
5nov-4dec 2
5dec-4jan 3
5jan-4feb 4
5 feb-4march 5
5march-4april 6 months

Exoskeletor 30th March 2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by adicoto (Beitrag 65952)
5 0ct-4nov 1
5nov-4dec 2
5dec-4jan 3
5jan-4feb 4
5 feb-4march 5
5march-4april 6 months

anyway, you have 5 days guys :D :D

Xrox 12th April 2013 09:14 AM

When is the new ETA?

ItachiNight 13th April 2013 10:39 PM

Beta test
it will be really great to see and try beta ver. of Bsplayer 3

Xrox 17th April 2013 04:12 PM

Please release betaaaaaaaaaaa!!
I'm so waiting for it

Diazz72 6th May 2013 08:37 AM

One thing i hope it will be fixed whit ver. 3.0 is subtitles. . .

Position of subtitles, size and font, to look more like sub. on tv (or for example like VLC player). . .

Biggest reason why is this fix needed is becose when you are watching 16:9 movies its hard to read and watch movie. . .

BSPeter 6th May 2013 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Diazz72 (Beitrag 66146)
One thing i hope it will be fixed whit ver. 3.0 is subtitles. . .

Position of subtitles, size and font, to look more like sub. on tv (or for example like VLC player). . .

Biggest reason why is this fix needed is becose when you are watching 16:9 movies its hard to read and watch movie. . .

Are you using new subtitle parser/renderer or legacy (="old") subtitle engine?
Do you know how/where to adapt the subs to your own personal preferences?
rightclick > Options > Preferences > Subtitles ... and then 4 tabs:
[Subtitle properties] / [Fontsizes] / [VobSub] / [Online subtitles]
To position the subtitles (with movie and subtitles loaded):
rightclick > Subtitles > Primary/Secondary > Subtitle properties ...
there you can select: "Auto" or "Custom" positioning.
Further: to move subs up or down the default keys are [Shift]-key used together with arrowkey [Up] or [Down].
(Also there are several skins which have buttons for several subtitle-functions.)
Please try. If you are unable to place the subs where you want them, please come back to the forum with additional info.

Diazz72 6th May 2013 06:19 PM

Tnx for answering, i try this but there is steal a problem. . .

BS. Player sub's are going drom up to down, other players from down to up (OR reverse)...
iDo not know how to describe this, so il' try to show you;

One sub;

Two or more;

ItachiNight 6th May 2013 08:15 PM

Will you release beta v.3.0 or we must wait for the full version?

adicoto 7th May 2013 04:54 AM


Open video -> rightclick -> options -> preferences -> subtitles -> uncheck "use new subtitle engine" -> video -> rendering methode -> select internal renderer (default). Now when is a single line it will appear at the bottom and not on top.

Diazz72 10th May 2013 08:30 PM

Tnx. . .Now sub. work perfectly ;D

Diazz72 28th May 2013 12:48 AM

Any news when can we expect to try v3 of BS.Player???


Xrox 30th May 2013 05:55 PM

When is V3 coming out? I can't wait!

ItachiNight 1st June 2013 11:41 PM

any terms\release date v.3 ???

Xrox 6th June 2013 02:12 PM

Release date please!

Ico-man 7th June 2013 11:50 AM

Working on it... still not in alpha. Possibly in fall 2013.

Diazz72 9th June 2013 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ico-man (Beitrag 66331)
Working on it... still not in alpha. Possibly in fall 2013.

Can't you just release some sort of Pre-Alpha (for "znatiželjne duše"). . .?

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