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Old 12th February 2004
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BSPeter BSPeter is offline
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Originally Posted by nk
Originally Posted by BSPeter
Sofar I've never seen any subtitlefile with 4 lines.
Probably because BSPlayer doesn't support them, perhaps? :P
Usually, when people in the Netherlands watch a movie in the cinema or at home on their televisionsets, I'm pretty sure BSPlayer isn't used. Also I've (so far) never seen commercial DVD's with Dutch subtitles which have more than 3 lines!
Further my dear nk FYI: I'm just another user of BSPlayer and not its creator (which is bst), so most of your remarks are way off!
Maybe next time don't jump to conclusions if you don't know!
As a user (just like you, well, perhaps I have been around a bit longer) I'm entitled to have my own opinion on subtitles that require over 3 lines: I would still suggest a subtitler who would make such subtitles to better look for another job (like I would also suggest a car-designer who designs a car of 4 meters width to look for another occupation in stead of complaining to the roadworkers, that they should make wider roads; one simply has to draw the line somewhere) :lol:
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