Thread: Help
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Old 21st March 2004
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BSPeter BSPeter is offline
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I don't know what's causing your problem.
Just another possibility to try (note you will have to check your specific settings after doing this) is as follows:
  1. Without BSPlayer being active goto BSPlayer's installation folder and rename the file BSPlayer.xml e.g. to xBSPlayer.xml (by renaming in stead of removing you can restore settings if necessary).
  2. Start BSPlayer by double clicking on its shortcut
  3. right-click on skin > Options > Preferences > Plugins
  4. deselect "Disable plugins (restart required)"
  5. Click [Close] and exit BSPlayer
  6. Restart BSPlayer > Options > Skins and then select skin you want
  7. Click [Close] and exit BSPlayer
Any luck if you start BSPlayer again now?
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