Thread: upgrade?
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Old 13th June 2006
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Default Re: Upgrade???

Originally Posted by Corona Extra
As stated before: when the current 1.x pro users registered their player, there was no mention of a "Free one year subscription". The only thing mentioned was: a one time payment of...
So, why would and should existing users pay again?
In fact you more of less already answered your question yourselves: it is quite common, that users need not pay for updates of the same version (i.e. 1.x pro), so that is a one time payment for the version that you purchased. However, on the other hand, it is also quite common that there is a payment required for an upgrade to a new version of software (i.e. for BSPlayer Pro version 2.x pro).
(To avoid this kind of discussion, sometimes software developpers resort to simply giving the new version a different name (like e.g. Super Pro plus extra); not so BSPlayer-team!) That being said, I emphasize, that I do expect BSPlayer-team to continue (limited) support for their existing user-base of version 1.0 purchasers and such for a reasonable lenght of time (e.g. for situations caused by harddisk-crashes and such).

(I've personally never seen any software that you buy, which grants you a lifetime of free updates and upgrades; now have you?)
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