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Old 30th March 2007
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BSPeter BSPeter is offline
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EVR under XP bug confirmed.
Deselection of "Allow multiple instances" doesn't prevent multiple instances.
Position of "'Boss' button configuration" should be lowered
Space for translation "Enqueue" unnecessary very limited (most languages will require more space)
Translation of "Optimize database" not used.
Ditto "Jump to file" (in rightclick > Playback menu)
No translations for the new items "Main window alpha value" and "Video window alpha value" and for "EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer)".
Translations for Equalizer, Playlist new style, Media Library
"Registered to" etc (in "about" window)
Under "Key definitions & WinLIRC" keypresses which also have an own "name" in local languages (e.g. "Space") or mouseclicks (like "Mouse Right" "Wheel down"etc.) are always in English.

P.S.: This old issue seems to be (finally) solved.
Edited 07 April: On closer examination it appears that this old bug is still there!
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