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Old 25th November 2008
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Originally Posted by badnonsense
JUst because I mentioned that I re-installed the OS should not necessarily be the first implication that it is automatically the fault of the OS as I believe you are suggesting.
If user rights were not enabled, I would not be able to enable BSplayer. Yes??
Since I am able to play music, watch video, etc...BSPlayer is obviously enabled.
Let me thank you first on your lecture regarding what an OS stands for. I was really unaware of that. :lol:
Further I never suggested that the OS is at fault. I merely suggested you might seek in the direction of a feature offered by the OS (to protect its own integrity and that of your user-data) e.g. the setting of administrator and user-access rights (to the folders and files concerned). I also was not referring to OS-files, but to BS.Player files.
It was your remark "Even so, prior to a re-install of the OS over the last weekend, BS player proved to be working very well without concerns or problems.", which imho certainly doesn't point to any BS.Player setting causing your problems (assuming that you didn't also change BS.Player's settings). Seemed logical to me to look for a possible cause in what did change (and not in what remained untouched).
Anyway, the fact that BS.Player is "enabled" and that you can play media files, does not necessarily mean, that BS.Player's access to BS.Player's preferences file (most likely in another folder than BS.Player's installation folder) is automatically "enabled" (for reading and writing) too.
Following Tizio's information, you should be able to find and rename or delete BS.Player's settings-file: BSplayer.[username.]xml (while BS.Player is inactive). Just try that "rough remedy" and let us know any results.
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When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you,
as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post.
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