Meanwhile tested for 235, 236 and 237. "Autoplay" selected in all situations. Also BS.Player is exited somewhere "at midway position" during playback. (Questions regarding subtitles disregarded.)
"Remember last movie position": selected
"Remember movie settings": selected.
Upon restart BS.Player:
Movie starts (auto)playing from midway position and asks "Continue playing from previous position" Yes/No (Note "previous position"="midway position".)
While playback has meanwhile advanced to present position (=midway plus) clicking on
Yes - starts again from midway position.
No - continues playback from present position
and "Remember last movie position" is deselected.
"Remember last movie position" selected
"Remember movie settings" deselected
Upon restart BS.Player:
Movie starts (auto)playing from the beginning and asks "Continue playing from previous position" Yes/No
While playback has meanwhile advanced to present position (=midway plus) clicking on
Yes - starts again from midway position
No - continues playback from present position
and "Remember last movie position" is deselected.
"Remember last movie position" deselected
"Remember movie settings" selected
Upon restart BS.Player:
Movie doesn't (auto)start. When clicking on play button it starts playing from midway position (without asking any question).
"Remember last movie position" deselected
"Remember movie settings" deselected
Upon restart BS.Player:
Movie doesn't (auto)start. When clicking on play button it starts playing from the start.
REMARKS: With respect to [1] and [2] if "No": I don't know if it is logical to change a general preference ("Remember last movie position" is deselected) on the basis of a reply to a question concerning one particular file.
With respect to [1]-Yes: it seems a bit silly to (rewind)restart the movie at midway which just started at midway (=previous position).
With respect to [1]-No: one would expect the movie to (re)start from the beginning; instead it continues from present position (midway-plus).
IMHO this odd behaviour is caused by apparently not treating "movie settings" and "last movie position" as separate issues.
adicoto's obvious preference into consideration, I would suggest three options:
"Remember movie settings" (
not also concerning "last position")
"Remember last movie position"
"Auto continue from last movie position"
Where the last option is intended to skip the intermediate question what the user wants.
The last two should be treated as a pair (it should only be possible to select these two "either/or" or "nor" and not "and/and").