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Old 30th September 2009
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I asked you "Where does this "SH1oN" come from as I just wondered where (within BS.Player and - as indicated - with the English language file selected) you'd encounterred an indication of a key-sequence "SH1oN" as your post certainly suggested this. But apparently this "SH1oN" isn't an expression or abbreviation you found being used anywhere in/by BS.Player.

In fact almost a year ago a user of this forum with the nick "SH1oN" posted (on 12 October 2008) in the appropriate forum (i.e. Feature requests) a suggestion for a "smart stretch" feature in this thread started by him/her: Smart Stretch Suggestion

In fact your "exactly as it's worded"-reply ad verbatim quotes the text of my reaction in that thread of how I understood that user's suggestion:
Originally Posted by BSPeter View Post
I think that SH1oN means by "smart stretch" a special subtitle option like many wide screen TVs offer for displaying 4:3 broadcasts with subtitles: these TV's have a feature to enlarge the picture somewhat unevenly (or somewhat distorted if you want), to the effect that the lower part of the screen (where usually subs are positioned) is treated different from the main part of the screen. Though this unevitably results in a somewhat distorted screen at the very bottom, it isn't really annoying and two lines of subs are shown without further fuss.
So apparently you did find this suggestion for a new feature to be added. In such case it always is better (and it certainly wouldn't have caused so much confusion like it did now), to reply to that particular post (to ask if such feature was meanwhile realised or) to indicate your support for the addition of such a feature (in stead of starting a new thread in "General Talk and support"). This just like what I did at the time:
Originally Posted by BSPeter View Post
A valid suggestion and/or feature request I would say.
Not an easy one to realize I think, but then again ....
It is obvious that this "smart stretch"-suggestion has not so much anything to do with what TV-stations do, but instead it is a feature offered by many TV-sets.
(E.g. my wide-screen-TVs have 4:3, (zoom) 14:9, (zoom) 16:9, 16:9 subtitle mode, superzoom/expanded screen, wide screen and PALplus;
note the newest TV's (I'm sure about those made by Philips) now even have 21:9 screens by the way).
It is also obvious that this requested feature has, on itself, nothing to do with key-sequences nor with remote control signals like WinLIRC.

So I also repeat my previous remark to structure your posts a bit better; most importantly keep them simple and don't bring in all kinds of confusing (but in fact totally irrelevant for the real matter under consideration) thoughts and peripheral phenomena.
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