Thread: Black bars
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Old 16th February 2010
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BSPeter BSPeter is offline
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Did you try color controls (increase contrast)?
(rightclick >) Video > Color Controls

What (video-)filter/codec does BS.Player use for playback of this file?
(rightclick >) Options > Filters > Advanced
(clicking on the [+]-signs reveals further info and access.)

If e.g. ffdshow Video Decoder, try playing with luminance offset or gain:
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Video > FFDshow properties

If e.g. DivX-codec is used for decoding (I still have good old version 5.2.1 installed) you can also change brightness/contrast in its properties ('Quality settings'?) provided Yuv Extended Mode isn't used. (Note you can access filters/codecs through Filters > Advanced etc.)

Ditto for other decoders (like e.g. Xvid)

The video rendering mode used may also of interest.
Maybe also read this info.
(Thread moved to more appropriate forum.)
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