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Old 3rd April 2010
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Originally Posted by suadnovic View Post
You can use Subtitle Workshop 2.51 for this job. After instaling program, go to Tools->Join subtitles (or directly Ctrl +J) to access join window; click on Add, and find first part of subtitle and click Add. Then find second part and click again at Add.

IMPORTANT: Put apropriate fps in box (23,976 or 25 or 29, 970 or anything elese) and check box Recalculate time values

Then click on Join, save with some name and format and that is all.
As already mentioned, if you have BSPlayer Pro, you can use its in-built subtitle-editor to do this in the way I indicated. But of course there are several (free) subtitle-utilities available which can assist you at that. I also already mentioned that I personally always used Vladimir's subsync (a very simple and basic utility) to join subfiles.
Other subtitle utilities are (i.a.) Subtitle Workshop, Subtitles Translator or Winsubtitler (which is the successor of SubMax, the development of which is discontinued). I think either of these can do the job.

However, surely not so simply as suadnovic indicates. The utility will at the least have to be told the actual length of the first (original) part of the movie (or some other info from which it can calculate that). For the last subtitle of the first part of the movie will not necessarily be exactly at the end of the (original) first part of the movie. (In fact that will hardly ever be the case.) So if the utility (any utility) would simply join the two parts of the subtitle like indicated by suadnovic, then I dare to predict (I'm feeling 100% sure) that the subtitles will not be in sync during the second part of the movie.
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