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Old 17th October 2010
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adicoto refers to the option "Enable drawing subtitles under image with EVR renderer"
under (rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Subtitles [Subtitle properties].
This - of course - only applies if you're using EVR (Enhanced Video Renderer) (default under Vista and Win7).

To make this reply more general in case you're not using EVR and also for the possible benefit of other users, I add some other options concerning subtitles which may be of interest:

(In the same window as the one mentioned above)
Is perhaps the box "Draw subtitles to Overlay surface" selected?
If so, deselect/uncheck it.
(If you have "Draw subtitles to overlay" enabled, subtitles can only be drawn on overlay = on the video picture, and not below.)

In connection with "overlay": what is selected as "Rendering mode" under
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Video > [Video rendering]?

Are you using new subtitle engine or old?
(See the box "Use new subtitle parser/renderer" under
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Subtitles [Subtitle properties].)

Finally there always still is the "Expand picture to"-option
(rightclick >) Options > Preferences > Video > [Video rendering]
(Option at bottom/right)
See this post (and the thread it is in) for some clarifications.

Always, I do mean always, mention version and build-number of your BS.Player!
Also it may very well be relevant to know which OS and videocard you're using.
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as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post.
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