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Old 22nd November 2010
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Originally Posted by Kevar View Post
... I would like to be sure that it is imposible to enable default windows titlebar and borders and than mayby I'll try to start feature request topic. I believe it is very good way to match media player and operation system and that one window skin according to my idea would make BSP my default audio and video player and I would be really satisfied with it :)
I trust that one of BS.Player-team members may give you a definite answer whether it is impossible or not with BS.Player as it is now.
However, that being said, I also think that a one-window-skin according to your idea also looks an awfull lot like the dreadfull WMP.
I personally think BS.Player's separate video window, with the possibility to hide the control-panel or "glue" it to the movie window (which can be with or without borders) when you want to, is one of its strong points.
Similarly I personally have no wish whatsoever to constantly see playlist (or - for that matter - Media Library or Equalizer).
So I personally very much prefer BS.Player's concept as it is.
But - of course - that's only my personal preference.
Maybe there are heaps of users that support your personal preference. In that case I'm sure BS.Player's developpers will give your idea a worthwhile thought.
But, let's first wait for an 'official' reaction of a BS.Player team member.
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