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Old 11th December 2010
black_ps black_ps is offline
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Originally Posted by BSPeter View Post
Like I already mentioned in my post: "... there is a bug anyhow!!", so I'm not denying that "there is a problem there"!
To the contrary!! And surely not just one!! I've also been reporting them (like i.a. you) and summarizing them.
But please, please, let's not confuse and mix up problems!
IMHO it's better to tackle them one at a time!!
In your post you mention two issues which are different from the problem raised in this thread!
The tom and jerry problem most probably is an issue which needs to be repaired by the subtitle-provider(s).
( supporter & support)
The non-western font issue is also a different issue, which has been reported in a separate thread (here).
I also listed that thread in my summary here.
I'm afraid that by heaping up problems on one big pile, we're surely not going to speed up their fixing!Sofar Zatos still didn't reply to the question I asked him/her about how he/she changed font size (so that I can test and try to get the same result). Now, did you have a similar experience by any chance? If so, please report it there. For me it's not clear if it concerns the same problem. It might well be that Zatos (being a human like me I suppose) made an error.
Again: let's try not to mix up things and keep them clean and clear.
IMHO it is better to list bugs one by one and keep them apart; not combine many together unless they unmistakeably may have the same cause.
Don't get me wrong,i did not told somebody to hurry up,i`m waiting and waiting..
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