Did you try to simply "unblacklist" by removing the blacklisted filters from the blacklist?
If you re-install make sure you allow BS.Player to 'internally' install its preferred codecs/filters.
(By the way: it is always possible to re-run BS.Player's codecmanager.
You can find
codecmanager.exe inside BS.Player's installation folder.)
(P.S.: I asked you to try blacklist as I think I've previously read that Microsoft's WM decoders don't support framestepping. Normally, if a filter/codec is blacklisted, BS.Player will search and find another filter/codec which is able to do the job (like e.g. ffdshow filter). Maybe the codec used for encoding doesn't support single frame stepping. I don't know if that could make any sense at all. I'm no codec-expert. To the contrary. However, I'm pretty sure your problem is codec-related, so maybe the only solution would be a recoding/conversion to another video standard.)