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Old 16th October 2012
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BSPeter BSPeter is offline
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Originally Posted by Dany456 View Post
Can you show us an example how come placed in the file. -stime=x ????
early ending time ???


Please note that at present only a shifted starting time is supported using a command line parameter (though there is a long outstanding request with respect to a similar function for the ending time (click here).)
I think the easiest way to show you how these command-line parameters work is to first create a new shortcut to BS.Player (or simply copy the present one). Save the new shortcut under any name in a folder a folder to your liking, making sure the user's rights/privileges for that folder are OK.
Now edit "Target" of this newly created shortcut (rightclick on it > Properties) and add to the end of the existing line a <space> followed by: "[MyDrive]:\[MyPath2File]\[MyMovieFile.avi]"
(Of course instead of the [My....] etc fill in the appropriate data.)
Now you cou can also add further parameters like e.g. <space>-fs<space>-stime=120<space>-hide
(Meaning/function of these parameters are as indicated in the file "cmdline.txt" which is in the folder named "doc" inside BS.Player's installation-folder.)
Save the shortcut after having finished editing it.
Now test it first (without BS.Player already running; in BS.Player's preferences 'autostart' should be selected).
If it doesn't work, there may be a typo in the part you edited in the shortcut's target. Maybe copy the line in a further post on this forum so that we may take a look at it. (Don't forget to also mention your OS please.) Also let us know if you succeeded of course!

Contents of cmdline.txt:
Command line parameters
-fs  Start in fullscreen mode
-ar=W:H  Aspect ratio, ex.: -ar=16:9
-asx  Start with x audio stream
 x=1-> 1st audio stream
 x=2-> 2nd audio stream
 x=n-> n audio stream
-pan  Pan-scan mode
-nsub  Disable subtitles
-skin=SKIN Start with specified skin, ex.:-skin=Base
-res=WxHxDxF Startup resolution (W=width, H=height, D=color depth, F=Frequency), ex.: -res=800x600x32-80
-lang=  Specify language, ex:. -lang=English
-eend  Exit when movie is finished
-sdown  Shutdown when movie is finished
-stime=x Start movie at x seconds
-deskmode Start in desktop mode
-hide  Hide controls
(similar post:How to start playing video from playlist on Windows start?)
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When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you,
as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post.
Private messages/Visitor messages are NOT for seeking personal help with respect to BS.Player! Instead use the forums!
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