12th November 2010
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Nov 2010
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Media Library skinning problems
I'm attempting to make a skin for the Media Library and it's almost completed. However I ran into few problems:
First is with the search bar. It seems to be anchored to the top right but there's nothing referring to that in the .ini file. What I'm trying to do is to anchor it to the top left but I can't find a way to do that.
Second: I made the skin by editing the base media library skin. In that .ini file there is this piece of code:
It seems to add an "Add Playlist" text button on top of the Media list. If I remove this code it's still there. The only option I've found is to move those coordinates outside the actual skin so it won't appear on screen. Is there other ways? Another question is how to make an "Add Playlist" bitmap button somewhere else, so what's number of that funtion.
And last I have a question about the actual skin. Is it possible to make a combo of a bitmap and a button seek bar?
Hope you guys can help me out with these problems... :)